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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Main Conference Sessions

Sensor Metadata Management and Its Application in Collaborative Environmental Research


  • Nicholas Dawes, Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research
  • K. Ashwin Kumar, EPFL
  • Sebastian Michel, EPFL
  • Karl Aberer, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Michael Lehning, WSL, Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF), Davos


This paper considers metadata generation and tracking in a collaborative environment where users publish raw sensor data in the form of virtual sensors and post-process data by means of filtering, modeling, or query processing techniques. In the metadata system described, data from different sources with different provenance will be enriched with further metadata at each processing step to describe the processing implemented and/or observations which may explain anomalies in the data. The management of this data is the subject of this paper. In the context of sensor data processing, in particular in the environmental sciences, there is still a large gap between data acquisition and metadata gathering, further complicated by the problem of combining both. In this paper, an attempt is made to bridge the gap between data management and semantic annotation. This paper describes a user friendly, easily deployable system for gathering sensor metadata and capturing semantics behind higher-level data processing steps. These semantics are particularly useful in understanding data processing workflows. Furthermore, different methods of querying, exporting and importing gathered data from and to higher-level applications are examined.

Date and Time

Thursday, December 11, 2:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.

Room Number


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