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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Main Conference Sessions

Experiences from Cyberinfrastructure Development for Multiuser Remote Instrumentation


  • Prasad Calyam, Ohio Supercomputer Center
  • David Hudak, Ohio Supercomputer Center
  • Ashok Krishnamurthy, Ohio Supercomputer Center
  • Karen Tomko, Ohio Supercomputer Center


Computer-controlled scientific instruments such as electron microscopes, spectrometers, and telescopes are expensive to purchase and maintain. Also, they generate large amounts of raw and processed data that has to be annotated and archived. Cyber-enabling these instruments and their datasets using remote instrumentation cyberinfrastructures can improve user convenience and significantly reduce costs. In this paper, we discuss our experiences in gathering technical and policy requirements of remote instrumentation for research and training purposes. Next, we describe the cyberinfrastructure solutions we are developing for supporting related multiuser workflows. Finally, we present our solution-deployment experiences in the form of case studies. The case studies cover both technical issues (bandwidth provisioning, collaboration tools, data management, and system security) and policy issues (service level agreements, use policy, and usage billing). Our experiences suggest that developing cyberinfrastructures for remote instrumentation requires: (1) understanding and overcoming multi-disciplinary challenges, (2) developing reconfigurable-and-integrated solutions, and (3) close collaborations between instrument labs, infrastructure providers, and application developers.

Date and Time

Wednesday, December 10, 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Room Number


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