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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Main Conference Sessions

SLA-Driven Semantically-Enhanced Dynamic Resource Allocator for Virtualized Service Providers


  • Jorge Ejarque, BSC-CNS
  • Marc De Palol, BSC-CNS
  • IƱigo Goiri, BSC-CNS
  • Ferran Julia, BSC-CNS
  • Jordi Guitart, BSC-CNS
  • Rosa Badia, Barcelona
  • Jordi Torres, BSC-CNS


In order to be profitable, service providers must be able to undertake complex management tasks such as provisioning, deployment, execution, and adaptation in an autonomic way. This paper introduces a framework, the Semantically-Enhanced Resource Allocator (SERA), aimed to facilitate service provider management, reducing costs and at the same time fulfilling the QoS agreed with the customers. The SERA assigns resources depending on the information given by service providers according to its business goals and on the resource requirements of the tasks. Tasks and resources are semantically described and these descriptions are used to infer the resource assignments. Virtualization is used to provide a full-customized and isolated virtual environment for each task. In addition, the system supports fine-grain dynamic resource distribution among these virtual environments based on SLAs. The required adaptation is implemented using agents, guaranteeing to each task enough resources to meet the agreed performance goals.

Date and Time

Thursday, December 11, 3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.

Room Number


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