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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Main Conference Sessions

Service Oriented Utility Grid for Three-Dimensional Topographic Visualization from Satellite Images

*This session has been cancelled.


  • Deepak P, ADRIN
  • Pramod Kumar, ADRIN
  • Geeta Varadan, ADRIN


Three-dimensional (3D) visualization is an integral part of satellite data processing and adds great value in terms of interpretation and effective presentation. 3D visualization requires large amount of data and computing power to map the data into underlying terrain model. Grid technologies enable us to effectively harness the vast computational resources available at geographically separated data reception centers/stations. In this paper, we propose a service-based closed community grid for generating 3D visualization of large topographic areas in near real-time. The key aspect is that the end user is oblivious of the processes involved such as searching and transferring of data, processing the data, and aggregating the partial results for the underlying activities.

Date and Time

Thursday, December 11, 10:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.

Room Number


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