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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science


Market-Oriented Grid Computing and the Gridbus Middleware: Building and Managing Utility Grids for e-Science and e-Business Applications


  • Rajkumar Buyya


This tutorial introduces fundamental principles of grid computing and computational economy and discusses how they impact emerging computational and data grid technologies. It identifies resource management challenges and introduces new challenges and requirements introduced by the grid economy on grid service providers (GSPs) and grid service consumers. The tutorial presents a service-oriented grid architecture inspired by computational economies and demonstrates how it can be realized by leveraging the existing grid technologies and building new economic-oriented capabilities and components. Instructors will present solutions to these challenges based on their experience in designing and developing market-oriented Gridbus technologies such as Grid Market Directory, Grid Bank, Grid Service Broker, Workflow Engine, and SLA-based enterprise Grid Resource Allocation system. Case studies on the use of Gridbus middleware in the creation of various e-Science and e-Business applications and their deployment on national/international utility-oriented grids along with its impact on emerging cloud computing paradigm will also be highlighted.

Date and Time

Sunday, December 7, 8 a.m.–Noon

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