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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Workshops & Special Sessions

SWBES08: Challenging Issues in Workflow Applications web services: Enabling microbiologic workflows such as phylogenetic tree building & biomarker comparison

Presenters and Authors
  • Bert Versylppe
  • Bram Slabbinck
  • Wim De Sme
  • Paul De Vos
  • Bernard De Baets
  • Peter Dawyndt

In this paper, we present novel web services ordered by the bioportal. This portal integrates information in the domain of microbiology and offers a uniform web interface to the different data providers. By providing web services, the integration results of become available for automated processing. Several classes of web services are implemented and some examples are discussed in more detail. Combined with third-party services, the services can be integrated into workflows. We describe two workflows: one basic work ow for the construction of a phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences retrieved from the species of a given genus and a more advanced workflow to collect data of several biomarkers, to calculate the corresponding distance matrices, and to visualize the intra- and inter-species variation among the different biomarkers using the TaxonGap tool. Hereby, the tedious and manual work of collecting and analyzing data, and of visualizing the analysis results has become fully automated.

Date and Time

Wednesday, December 10, 2:30–3 p.m.

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