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NaradaBrokering Project:
Setup Procedures

The set-up procedures covered in  this section include the following. Please click on the appropriate items to jump to the relevant sections. Please note that NaradaBrokering requires JDK-1.5 and upwards. 
1) Initializing NARADA_HOME and starting the broker: This includes setup procedures for both UNIX and Windows environment.
2) Updating the CLASSPATH variable to build/run Narada applications. You can of course also provide  the classpath information at runtime using the -cp command.
3) Generating keys for SSL Tunneling: Instructions for key generation which are needed for SSL Tunneling. 
4) Using NaradaBrokering with Anabas: Instructions for moving the GXOJava.jar included in the release to relevant locations in the Anabas install directory.


Starting the Broker:
In the bin directory of the NaradaBrokering installation please update the NARADA_HOME variable. 
For Microsoft OS users the file that needs to be updated is the startBroker.bat file, while for UNIX users the file to modify is the file. To change the ports on which NaradaBrokering listens to connections from different transport protocols please update the file in the $NARADA_HOME/config directory. 
To start broker under Windows you can simply double click the startBroker icon.
To start broker under Linux/Unix use the following command in the $NARADA_HOME/bin directory.
./ (The first time you execute you would also need to do a chmod +x )

For Windows-NT please include the %NARADA_HOME%\dll in your path variable. This is needed to enable automatic detection of proxy settings using the WinINET API. This is useful during communication through proxies and firewalls.


Please include the jar files listed under %NARADA_HOME%/lib in your classpath.  This includes the jxta.jar file, the generation of which is described below.

export classpath



Useful Key Generation Commands
Create the public/private key pair.
keytool -genkey -alias duke -keyalg RSA -validity 7 -keystore keystore 

Make sure it worked.
keytool -list -v -keystore keystore

 Export the self signed certificate
keytool -export -alias duke -keystore keystore -rfc -file duke.cer

Import the certificate into a trusted entity store
keytool -import -alias dukecert -file duke.cer -keystore truststore

Make sure it worked.
keytool -list -v -keystore truststore 

Use this tag on command line to indicate path to truststore.
java Server
java Client


Using NaradaBrokering with Anabas
The first step involves moving the GXOJava.jar file provided in the distribution to the right locations with the 
right names. In the script below simply update the location of your Anabas installation

anabas_home = /home/users/user-name/anabas
cp ~/GXOJava.jar $anabas_home/lib/ 
cd anabas/lib 
mv GXOJava.jar gxo.jar 
echo "Moved GXOJava.jar to gxo.jar"
cd ../tomcat/lib 
cp ~/GXOJava.jar . 
mv GXOJava.jar GMS_Sonic.jar 
cd ../webapps/ROOT/install/ 
cp ~/GXOJava.jar .

The second step pertaining to accessing the anabas_home/config/ file and updating the anabas.vcs.gmshost variable to reflect the host on which the NaradaBrokering broker instance is running. We also need to update the anabas.vcs.gmsport variable's value to the port number (default 3045) on which NaradaBrokering is running.

Page last updated  - October 01, 2007