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Developer Information  Internal Releases  Anabas &
NaradaBrokering Project:
Developer Information


This document cover 5 related aspects of efforts within the NaradaBrokering project. The issues specifically addressed here pertain to

Here we try to leverage, and learn from, experiences in other large successful projects such as the projects under the aegis of the Apache Software Foundation and Globus.


NaradaBrokering Coding conventions:

To improve readability of code that is part of the NaradaBrokering project developers are strongly urged to conform to Sun's Java coding conventions. In addition to this the following conventions are also in place.

  1. Package import statements must be for individual classes i.e. import java.util.* is not allowed.

  2. Variable names should reflect the use/purpose of that variable. No abbreviations or single letter variable names are allowed.

  3. Curly brackets are NOT allowed on separate lines.

  4. Single line conditional statements should be inside brackets. For e.g.
    if (toAdd) {
          value = value + valueToAdd; 

  5. No two classes within the distribution are allowed to have the same name. That is, <package1>.ClassA and<package2>.classB are not allowed.

  6. Classes released as part of the NaradaBrokering's source distribution must have their package names start with cgl.narada.  

  7. Except for the main() method System.exit() should not be used anywhere else in the code.

Also, here are few other recommendations from the great Bruce Eckel. These are reproduced in verbatim here from his book Thinking in Java.

  • Capitalize the first letter of class names. The first letter of fields, methods, and objects (handles) should be lowercase. All identifiers should run their words together, and capitalize the first letter of all intermediate words. For example:
    Capitalize all the letters of static final primitive identifiers that have constant initializers in their definitions. This indicates they are compile-time constants.
  • When creating a class for general-purpose use, follow a “canonical form” and include definitions for equals( ), hashCode( ), toString( ), clone( ) (implement Cloneable), and implement Serializable.
  • Methods should be kept to brief, functional units that describe and implement a discrete part of a class interface. Ideally, methods should be concise; if they are long you might want to search for a way to break them up into several shorter methods. This will also foster reuse within your class. (Sometimes methods must be large, but they should still do just one thing.).
  • Try to keep classes small and focused.
  • Keep things as “private as possible.” Once you publicize an aspect of your library (a method, a class, a field), you can never take it out. If you do, you’ll wreck somebody’s existing code, forcing them to rewrite and redesign. If you publicize only what you must, you can change everything else with impunity, and since designs tend to evolve this is an important freedom. Privacy is especially important when dealing with multithreading – only private fields can be protected against un-synchronized use.
  • Watch out for “giant object syndrome.” This is often an affliction of procedural
    programmers who are new to OOP and who end up writing a procedural program and
    sticking it inside one or two giant objects. With the exception of application frameworks,
    objects represent concepts in your application, not the application.
  • If you must do something ugly, at least localize the ugliness inside a class.
  • Avoid using “magic numbers,” which are numbers hard-wired into code. These are a nightmare if you need to change them, since you never know if “100” means “the array size” or “something else entirely.” Instead, create a constant with a descriptive name and use the constant identifier throughout your program. This makes the program easier to understand and much easier to maintain.
  • 1In terms of constructors and exceptions, you’ll generally want to re-throw any exceptions that you catch while in a constructor if it causes failure of the creation of that object, so the caller doesn’t continue blindly, thinking that the object was created correctly.
  • If your class requires any cleanup when the client programmer is finished with the object, place the cleanup code in a single, well- defined method with a name like cleanup( ) that clearly suggests its purpose. In addition, place a boolean flag in the class to indicate whether the object has been cleaned up. In the finalize( ) method for the class, check to make sure that the object has been cleaned up and throw a class derived from RuntimeException if it hasn’t, to indicate a programming error. Before relying on such a scheme, ensure that finalize( ) works on your system. (You might need to call System.runFinalizersOnExit(true) to ensure this behavior.)
  • Choose interfaces over abstract classes. If you know something is going to be a base class, your first choice should be to make it an interface, and only if you’re forced to have method definitions or member variables should you change it to an abstract class. An interface talks about what the client wants to do, while a class tends to focus on (or allow) implementation details.
  • Use design patterns to eliminate “naked functionality.” That is, if only one object of your class should be created, don’t bolt ahead to the application and write a comment “Make only one of these.” Wrap it in a singleton. If you have a lot of messy code in your main program that creates your objects, look for a creational pattern like a factory method in which you can encapsulate that creation. Eliminating “naked functionality” will not only make your code much easier to understand and maintain, it will also make it more bulletproof against the well-intentioned maintainers that come after you.


NaradaBrokering Testing:

Every class must have a JUnit test case associated with it. The test classes should reside in the /test directory under each package. This in tandem with ANT should allow us to run automated test cases to see the effect of any changes that developers might have made to the codebase. In general developers are first expected to resolve conflicts (if any) in their local spaces and then proceed to run these automated test cases. Finally, the automated test cases need to be run after a commit too.





NaradaBrokering Logging:

Logging must use the cgl.narada.logging library for logging purposes. This allows users to switch between JDK's logging and Log4j.





NaradaBrokering Bug Reports:

Bug reporting should be done using BugZilla. This is currently available at






NaradaBrokering Version Control:

We use CVS for version control. If you are not familiar with this piece of software, please read some background material on this first. CVS comes with an excellent reference manual and this The latest CVS client can be downloaded from The NaradaBrokering repository is available at This repository is currently available only to developers contributing to the project.


Users only have to define two environment variables on their remote clients systems to have full access to CVS:
export CVS_RSH=`which ssh` # or full path to local ssh binary

Of course for NT-based users, you need to use the corresponding set statements. Here is the command for users to checkout the software.


D:\NB>cvs -d checkout -kb NaradaBrokering