The ContextManager has the following operations, all of which contain the callback address.
for the ContextResponseHandler:
getContents: this message is used to request the entire contents of a specific context.
It responds with either the contents message or an appropriate fault message. The entirecontents
of the context MUST be returned, i.e. the values corresponding to the context’s ContextType elements.
setContents: the contents of the context are replaced with the context information provided.
It responds with either the contentsSet message or an appropriate fault message.
The ContextResponseHandler has the following operations.
contents: this message is a response to getContents and returns the entire contents of a
specific context.
contentsSet: this message is sent as a response to setContents to indicate that contentsof
the context have been updated.
unknownContextFault: this message is sent to indicate that the specified context cannot be
generalFault: this message is sent to indicate that some other error has occurred during the