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[fg-1362] Farfán Estrada, I., "Overview of a virtual cluster using OpenNebula and SLURM", Indiana booth presentation at Supercomputing 2011, Seattle, WA, 11/2011. Abstract  Download: one-slurm.pdf (480.76 KB)
[fg-1241] Fox, G. C., G. von Laszewski, and R. Fugueirdo, Overview of FutureGrid, , Salt Lake City, UT, Open Grid Forum 32, 07/2011.  Download: 001-fg-overview-ogf-32.pptx (5.96 MB); 002-fg-software-ogf-32.pptx (8.5 MB); 003-fg-appliance-ogf-32.ppt (1.98 MB)
[fg-1242] Fox, G. C., G. von Laszewski, R. Figueiredo, K. Keaheay, and A. J. Younge, Overview of FutureGrid, , Salt Lake City, UT, TeraGrid 11 Conference, 07/2011.  Download: 001-fg-tg11.pptx (16.9 MB)
[fg-1040] Fox, G., Overview of Cyberinfrastructure and the Breadth of Its Application, , MSI-CIEC Cyberinfrastructure Day at South Carolina State University, 03/2011.
[fg-2305] Naab, J., "Overview of FutureGrid An Experimental Grid Cloud and HPC Test Bed", Overview-of-FutureGrid-An-Experimental-Grid-Cloud-and-HPC-Test-Bed, 2011.