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[fg-51] Fox, G. C., W. Smith, A. Grimshaw, J. Fortes, K. Keahey, and G. von Laszewski, Rain: Dynamically Provisioning Clouds within FutureGrid, , vol. Supercomputing 2010, Conference Poster, New Orleans, LA, IEEE, 11/2010.
[fg-629] Fox, G. C., Research in Grids and Clouds and FutureGrid, , Melbourne University Seminar, 09/2010.
[fg-2584] Fox, G., Remarks on MOOC's: Open Grid Forum BOF, , XSEDE13, San Diego, CA, 7/24/2013.  Download: OGFMOOC-July24-2013.pptx (4.4 MB)
[fg-2071] Chandra, A., "Running MapReduce in Non-Traditional Environments", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, University of Minnesota, 07/2012.  Download: 
[fg-2603] Bosin, A., "Resource Provisioning for e-Science Environments", International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, vol. 5, issue 1: IGI Global, pp. 1 - 24, 31/2013. Abstract
[fg-126] Boon, M., "Reaching for sky computing", iSGTW, 10, vol. 2010, 2010.