FutureGrid: An Experimental Computing Grid and Cloud Test-Bed

TitleFutureGrid: An Experimental Computing Grid and Cloud Test-Bed
Publication TypePresentation
ScopePresented as part of the "ECEE - The open collaboration spot for cloud projects in Europe" session Overview: ECEE - Enabling clouds for eScience - is where European cloud projects collaborate to find out as much as possible, as quick as possible, about how clouds can help their users in their daily work - eScience.
AuthorsSarnowska-Upton, K.
PublisherEGI User Forum 2011
Place PublishedVilnius, Lithuania
Year of Publication2011
Date Published04/2011
Citation Keyfg-1233
EGI.UserForum2011.FutureGrid.v0.pptx3.59 MB