Analysis and Optimization of a Molecular Dynamics Code using PAPI and the Vampir Toolchain

TitleAnalysis and Optimization of a Molecular Dynamics Code using PAPI and the Vampir Toolchain
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsWilliam, T., D. K. Berry, and R. Henschel
Conference NameCray User Group 2012
Date Published05/2012
Place PublishedStuttgart
Type of WorkPaper, Presentation
Keywordsmolecular dynamics, MPI, OpenMP, tracing
AbstractA highly diverse molecular dynamics program for the study of dense matter in white dwarfs and neutron stars was ported and run on a Cray XT5m using MPI, OpenMP and hybrid parallelization. The ultimate goal was to find the best configuration of available code blocks, compiler flags and runtime parameters for the given architecture. The serial code analysis provided the best candidates for parallel parameter sweeps using different MPI/OpenMP settings. Using PAPI counters and applying the Vampir toolchain a thorough analysis of the performance behavior was done. This step led to changes in the OpenMP part of the code yielding higher parallel efficiency to be exploited on machines providing larger core counts. The work was done in a collaboration between PTI (Indiana University) and ZIH (Technische Universitat Dresden) on hardware provided by the NSF funded FutureGrid project.
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