
Course (1 day): K12 Introduction High Performance and Cloud Computing

Project Details

Project Lead
Thomas Hacker 
Project Manager
Natasha Nikolaidis 
Project Members
Thomas Hacker, Jason St. John, Gregor von Laszewski, Natasha Nikolaidis  
Purdue University, Computer & Information Technology  
Computer Science (401) 


In a one day activity we are introducing to twelf K-12 students from the West Lafayette high school system concepts from high performance and cloud computing. The agenda of this day activity is including in the mornng two presentations. One about HIgh Performance computing, the other is about cloud computing. After visiting the compute center at Purdue University, the afternoon will be focussing on a number of Lab sessions.

  1. Participants wil be given a computer to install Linux on it
  2. The computer will have a copy of Maya on it
  3. Students can experiment with creating a scene and rendering it
  4. Through observation students will find t takes a long time, however when using a parallel computer multiple images can be rendered at the same time
  5. Students will be using susestudio.com to create an image with blender on it
  6. Students will be able to add their own software preferences to the image created with susestudio
  7. Students will be able to testdrive the image on the Suse cloud.
  8. Students have the ability to take the knowledge home and learn about blender to use the susecloud to render their images.
Students will be presented with a certificate of attendance

Intellectual Merit

This course will be introducing elementary concepts of High Performance and Cloud Computing to students.

Broader Impacts

This is an activity to raise awareness about details of HPC and clouds on the highschool level. Knowledge is generally restricted to the use of e-mail in the cloud or a single PC.

Scale of Use

none as we use susestudio


The students were able to use susestudio easily. However, preparation of the environment was still too complex as the instalation requires flash to be on the system. As a Linux distribution was used, flash needed to be installed by the users. In retorspect the image that we gave to the stuudents should have flash already integrated.

Form the 12 students that participated, 1 was female. Two high school teachers participated.

We suggested the teachers to create science videos that demonstrate the use of parallel computers

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