Cloud Computing Class


This page aggregates publicly available educational materials from the FutureGrid community that have been used in classrooms. Since all materials provided are in an "open source" format, we encourage people to contribute by improving the proposed materials or by adding new materials. The final scope is to define a standard "Cloud Computing Class" (CCC) with the support of FutureGrid. Of course, all comments/contributions are more than welcome!

Outline with slides

Here is our outline proposal for a CCC with the associated slides for each section.
  1. Introduction to Cloud Computing (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor)
  2. Introduction to Eucalyptus, Nimbus and OpenNebula (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor)
  3. How to create a FutureGrid account (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor)
  4. FutureGrid heartbeat: list of the current working images for all platforms here
  5. Eucalyptus
    1. Introduction (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor)
    2. First steps (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor)
    3. Play with volumes (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor)
    4. HybridFox (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor)
    5. Web console (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor)
    6. Monitoring and Cloning (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor)
    7. Image management (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor)
    8. Install a service into a volume (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor) -- TODO!! --
  6. OpenStack
    1. Tutorial  Havana on India (FG)
  7. Nimbus
    1. Introduction (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor)
    2. First steps (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor)
    3. LAMP + CMS installation (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor)
    4. Monitoring with Munin (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor)
    5. Load balancing with Pound (GoogleDocs, just ask me to became an editor)
    6. Phantom (GDrive, just ask me to became an editor)
    7. One-click cluster
  8. OpenNebula (NOT READY YET)
    1. How to create a OpenNebula account
    2. To be defined....

Comments and contributions

As mentioned before, we would like this page to contain contributions from various people who have already taught (or people who are planning to teach) cloud computing with the support of FutureGrid. If you have any comments about the material/outline proposed, or if you want to contribute by updating the existing materials or proposing your materials, please send an email ( or add a comment below.
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