FAQ: About VirtualBox Image, FutureGrid eucarc and vm ssh key, etc


First of all, if you didn't sign up your name on this google link, please do not run any FutureGrid setup.


FutureGrid setup page: http://salsahpc.indiana.edu/ScienceCloud/fg_euca_guide.html

Also, for those 80 volunteers, we have to communicate within the Jabber channels.

----------Important update--------------------

Bug: We found that there is bug in the provided jar executable /root/salsaDPI/salsaDPI.jar. Note that this bug will only be shown if your configuration file doesn't setup correctly: the program runs until some ssh/sftp connection which copies files (keys, binary, inputs, etc) from local to local/FutureGrid VMs, then, you may be facing java program termination without any warnings.

Solution: Please download the latest salsaDPI.jar and put it back to /root/salsaDPI inside the VirutalBox. We provide the Linux commands to download it inside the VirtualBox Image:

$ cd ~/salsaDPI/
$ wget http://salsahpc.indiana.edu/ScienceCloud/apps/salsaDPI/salsaDPI.jar

You could also use shared folder to copy it back under /root/salsaDPI/ inside the VirtualBox machine.

----------FAQ related to Day 2 tutorials--------

FAQ when setting FutureGrid Environment

  1. Where is the eucarc file stored?
    Ans: it is stored on FutureGrid India headnode, india.futuregrid.org, you will need your ssh private generated on Day 1 tutorial. If you haven't generated that, please see this page: http://archive.futuregrid.org/projects/241/register
  2. How could I login FutureGrid with using my ssh private key and download the eucarc and FutureGrid Eucalypus VM ssh private key files?
    Ans: For Linux user, you could use ssh terminal directly. Under Windows, you could login to FutureGrid with your ssh private key, and use WinScp to download eucarc and VM ssh private key to local.
  3. Why can't I login FutureGrid with using ssh key generated inside VirtualBox under Windows (*.ppk)?
    Ans: You have to convert it to OPENSSH format, please see this guide:http://salsahpc.indiana.edu/ScienceCloud/fg_euca_guide.html

FAQ when ruuning salsaDPI.jar

  1. Why can't salsaDPI jar run correctly and generate the output under sandbox/cloud mode?
    Ans: if you cannnot get output from the sandbox mode, it's probably typos error in the template conf. file or the java execution commands. Also, please make sure you get the latest salsaDPI. Instructions can be seen in section "Important update" of hands-on 1 and hands-on 2 pages.
  2. If salsaDPI.jar cannot go through, where could I see the log/error message?
    Ans: salsaDPI generates log and error files under /tmp/ with name of " bootstrap_info_node_*".
  3. What does "Message was generated in the future" or "Message was generated in the past" means in the error message?
    Ans: The clock setting of the VirtualBox VM environment is set differently from the chef server, this causes authentication and authorization errors. Please use command "ntpdate ntp.indiana.edu" to sync it with Indiana time within the VirtualBox.
