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FutureGrid is a distributed, high-performance test-bed that allows scientists to collaboratively develop and test innovative approaches to parallel, grid, and cloud computing.

The test-bed is composed of a set of distributed high-performance computing resources connected by a high-speed network (with adjustable performance via a network impairment device). Users can access the HPC resources as traditional batch clusters, a computational grid, or as highly configurable cloud resources where users can deploy their own virtual machines

The flexibility in configuration of FutureGrid resources enables its use across a variety of research and education projects. To learn more about how to join FutureGrid, visit the "Getting Started" page as part of our Manual.

The FutureGrid project is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and is led by Indiana University with University of ChicagoUniversity of FloridaSan Diego Supercomputing CenterTexas Advanced Computing Center, University of Virginia, University of TennesseeUniversity of Southern CaliforniaDresdenPurdue University, and Grid 5000 as partner sites.