How Can I Get Accounts on FutureGrid for my Students?

See also
  1. You must create a portal account before you can apply for a project
  2. File a FutureGrid project for your class
  3. Ask your students to sign up for a portal account
  4. Add your students as members to the project
  5. Decide what resources your students need and ask them to apply for the appropriate account while using the account menu in the portal (make sure they are checked on in your FutureGrid project).
  6. Accounts will be created if the user/student is in the members list of a valid project and the resources you checked in your project application are corresponding to the one requested by the student

One of the issues we often see with classes is that some students apply on Saturdays or Sundays, or one day before the assignments are due. Please make sure they are aware that account applications will be fulfilled typically only during working days (Mon-Fri) with 48 hours delay.