CCA11: Grappling Cloud Infrastructure Services with a Generic Image Repository

The FutureGrid software team will be presenting our work on "Grappling Cloud Infrastructure Services with a Generic Image Repository" at the 3rd Workshop on Cloud Computing and its Applications (CCA) 2011 in conjunction with GlobusWorld 2011 at Argonne National Laboratory.  


With the advent of Cloud computing, a wide variety of infrastructure as a service models have grown to provide users with one of the greatest benefits of Clouds: a customized system environment. These services, while extremely use- ful, often suffer from their ability to interoperate and com- municate across administratively separate domains. Within FutureGrid, an experimental cloud and grid testbed, we look to mitigate these challenges by providing stratosphere-level image repository and management tools. These systems will enable users to more easily generate images and manage them within an independent image repository, eventually enabling users to take full advantage of both private and public clouds with ease.


Javier Diaz, Andrew J. Younge, Gregor von Laszewski, Fugang Wang and Geoffrey C. Fox

Pervasive Technology Institute. Indiana University
2719 East Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA


Third Workshop on Cloud Computing and its Applications (CCA)
April 12-13, 2011
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.