Cloud2011: Panel on Science and Cloud Computing

Prof. Fox will be participating in the following panel discussion:

Panel 2 (Plenary): Science of Cloud Computing (16:30-18:00, 7/5/2011, Tuesday)
Moderators: Ling Liu, Professor, George Tech, USA; Manish Parashar, IEEE Fellow, Professor, Rutgers University, USA

  • Geoffrey Charles Fox, Indiana University, USA
  • Robert Grossman, University of Chicago, USA
  • Jean-Francois Huard, CTO, Netuitive, Inc., USA
  • Vanish Talwar, HP Labs, USA

Cloud computing as one of the dominating disruptive technologies of the 21st century has penetrated the heart of many enterprises in both business and government world-wide. The amount of investment in cloud computing has continued to grow at an astounding pace in different industry sectors (ranging from computing and IT industry to healthcare, communication, transportation, and retails) across multiple continents. This panel will explore the fundamental research issues underlying cloud computing, i.e., the Science of Cloud Computing. These issues go beyond technical aspects, and include social, legal and economic aspects. The panel will also describe not only how cloud computing is impacting business but also how it is changing the way that science and engineering is done.  This panel will include both academic researchers and industry leaderships. Each panelist will bring their perspective in developing a research agenda for shaping the science of Cloud Computing and the impact of such an endeavor on our society, the growth of the IT industry as a whole and the speed of IT penetration in many fields of science and engineering worldwide in the next 10-20 years.
Event Type: 
Conference/Workshop Presentation