New software available on Bravo: PAPI 4.2.0 and OpenMPI 1.5.4 (includes VampirTrace 5.8.4)

FutureGrid announces availability of new software on Bravo:  PAPI 4.2.0 and OpenMPI 1.5.4 (includes VampirTrace 5.8.4).

PAPI (Performance Application Programming Interface) was created to design, standardize, and implement a portable and efficient API
(Application Programming Interface) to access the hardware performance counters found on most modern microprocessors.

For information about PAPI 4.2.0 on FutureGrid, please visit:

To learn more about using HPC Services and OpenMPI on FutureGrid, please visit:

For more information on OpenMPI, the default MPI distribution on FutureGrid, please visit:

OpenMPI 1.5.4 also includes VampirTrace 5.8.4.  VampirTrace consists of a tool set and a runtime library for instrumentation and tracing of software applications. It is particularly tailored to parallel and distributed High Performance Computing (HPC) applications.

For information about VampirTrace 5.8.4 on FutureGrid, please visit:

Information about Bravo is available here:

Accounts on FutureGrid, an experimental testbed, are available to commercial, academic, and government educators and researchers, both national and international.  

To apply for a FutureGrid portal account, please visit:


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