Nimbus/Foxtrot authentication changes

Nimbus services on foxtrot is now using a new host certificate signed by a different certificate authority (InCommon). We apologize for the inconvenience, but this will require that you make some changes to your Nimbus client to continue to use nimbus on foxtrot.

The first change is to use a Nimbus cloud client that includes the CA certificates associated with our new Nimbus certificate. The easisest way to accomplish this is to download the Nimbus cloud client version 022.
The second change is to modify your nimbus-cloud-client-022/conf/foxtrot.conf file to have the DN of the new certificate, like so:

vws.factory.identity=/C=US/ E. 7th St./ M005/O=Indiana University/OU=FutureGrid/

If you encounter any problems using Nimbus on foxtrot, please submit a ticket for assistance.
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