OpenStack Havana is ready on India

We are happy to announce that OpenStack's Havana version is ready on India. Please be aware that except in cases of special need, we will not be creating new accounts in OpenStack Essex any longer. If you are a new Futuregrid user and need access to OpenStack Essex, please submit a ticket.

If you already have account on FutureGrid, you can use it with this steps.
ssh <username>
module load novaclient
source ~/.futuregrid/openstack_havana/novarc

If you belong to multiple projects, you can easily switch your tenant/project, with this.
source ~/.futuregrid/openstack_havana/<project_id>

Other than the initial setting, the rest of how-to is the same as our OpenStack Grizzly Manual.

If you find an issue, please submit a ticket.

And also, OpenStack Orchestration, called Heat, will be available soon.

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