STS Server 2011

Project Information

Computer Science (401) 
11.07 Computer Science 

STS is a novel approach to protect the location and the identification of a mobile user. This architecture simply divides the secret i.e., the location of a user, and uses totally un-trusted entities to distribute portions of this anonymous location information. STS avoids cryptography methods. As a lightweight scheme it can be applied to network of nodes illustrating low processing and computational power, such as nodes of an ad-hoc network, cloud and sensors.

Intellectual Merit

AUEB, departement of computer science.

Broader Impacts

Our solution will solve sharing secret problems by replacing a typical TTP with several non trustworthy entities.

Project Contact

Project Lead
John Latifis (stsuser) 
Project Manager
John Latifis (stsuser) 

Resource Requirements

Hardware System
  • I don't care (what I really need is a software environment and I don't care where it runs)
Use of FutureGrid

I intent to investigate the possibility to apply secret sharing mechanisms via storing portion of secret inside a cloud. The aforementioned mechanism is described in the paper "G. F. Marias, C. Delakouridis, L. Kazatzopoulos, and P. Georgiadis, Location Privacy Through Secret Sharing Techniques". The first step will be to realize the STS server side in multiple servers hosted inside the cloud. Clients will interact with the STS servers to store/retrieve portions of the secret. The goal is to evaluate the overall system.

Scale of Use

A few VM's for the experiment

Project Timeline

09/16/2011 - 04:26