Project Information

Computer Science (401) 

JSAGA (http://grid.in2p3.fr/jsaga/) is a Java implementation of the SAGA (Simple API for Grid Applications) standard defined at the OpenGrid Forum consortium. Our application allows grid developers to build interoperable end-user application and access CPU and storage resources over different grids and differents middlewares with a single and simple API. JSAGA does implement a BES adaptor in order to submit jobs on any BES endpoint. it also implements various transfer protocols in order to stage in/out data. Our aim, using FG is to have access to some BES endpoints in order to develop and test the JSAGA BES adaptor to FG resources.

Intellectual Merit

JSAGA (http://grid.in2p3.fr/jsaga/) is a Java implementation of the SAGA (Simple API for Grid Applications) standard defined at the OpenGrid Forum consortium. Our application allows grid developers to build interoperable end-user application and access CPU and storage resources over different grids and differents middlewares with a single and simple API. JSAGA does implement a BES adaptor in order to submit jobs on any BES endpoint. it also implements various transfer protocols in order to stage in/out data. Our aim, using FG is to have access to some BES endpoints in order to develop and test the JSAGA BES adaptor to FG resources.

Broader Impacts

JSAGA (http://grid.in2p3.fr/jsaga/) is a Java implementation of the SAGA (Simple API for Grid Applications) standard defined at the OpenGrid Forum consortium. Our application allows grid developers to build interoperable end-user application and access CPU and storage resources over different grids and differents middlewares with a single and simple API. JSAGA does implement a BES adaptor in order to submit jobs on any BES endpoint. it also implements various transfer protocols in order to stage in/out data. Our aim, using FG is to have access to some BES endpoints in order to develop and test the JSAGA BES adaptor to FG resources.

Project Contact

Project Lead
Lionel Schwarz (schwarz) 
Project Manager
Lionel Schwarz (schwarz) 

Resource Requirements

Hardware System
  • I don't care (what I really need is a software environment and I don't care where it runs)
Use of FutureGrid

I will use FG as a testbed for developping JSAGA as a standard API to submit BES jobs.

Scale of Use

Very little use: submit a few very short jobs from time to time.

Project Timeline

09/16/2011 - 08:03