
Project Information

Computer Science (401) 
14.09 Computer Engineering 

The purpose of the glideinWMS is to provide a simple way to access grid and cloud resources. GlideinWMS is a Glidein Based WMS (Workload Management System) that works on top of Condor. In this FutureGrid project we plan on doing testing the cloud components of the system. We plan on using the OpenStack Folsom resources (sierra, alamo, ?) which are currently being set up.

Intellectual Merit

GlideinWMS is the main workload management system used on the Open Science Grid today, and thus provides the base for many large science projects, including CMS. Making GlidienWMS work well in a cloud setting will provide an increase, both in resources available as well as capabilities, to those projects.

Broader Impacts

GlideinWMS provides the HTC capabilities for researchers to get their science done.

Project Contact

Project Lead
Mats Rynge (rynge) 
Project Manager
Mats Rynge (rynge) 
Project Members
Parag Mhashilkar, Anthony Tiradani  

Resource Requirements

Hardware Systems
  • alamo (Dell optiplex at TACC)
  • sierra (IBM iDataPlex at SDSC)
Use of FutureGrid

We plan on using the upcoming OpenStack Folsom installs on Sierra and Alamo.

Scale of Use

As this is basically a provisioning / cloud bursting experiment, we plan to use maybe 10-20 instances on each resource, but they will come and go frequently.

Project Timeline

03/25/2013 - 16:29