FutureGrid CompatibleOne Appliance

Project Information

Computer Science (401) 

The FutureGrid ComptableOne Appliance will serve as a techclogical component of the Cloud Interoperbility Testbed host on FutureGrid. The appliance provides Cloud Interoperbility Testbed users a quick and easy to deploy cloud broker as a componement within test configurations and other FutrureGrid deployments.


Intellectual Merit

Significant effort has been expended exploring approaches to commonly avail distributed computing capabilities and resources to the user community. Several standards organizational have created ecosystems surrounding vertical interfaces specific to standards organization memberships. Instead of delivering common access, commercial standards groups have only served to further fragment the market. CompatibleOne is an integration platform to harmonize disparate infrastructure technologies in to a cohesive operating environment aligning with the goals of the Cloud Interoperbility Testbed.

Broader Impacts

CompatibleOne will also server as an experimental hierarchically managed, distributed services infrastructure. Concepts are still under developent

Project Contact

Project Lead
Gary Mazzaferro (garym) 
Project Manager
Gary Mazzaferro (garym) 

Resource Requirements

Hardware System
  • Not sure
Use of FutureGrid

This software will execute as part of the Cloud Interoperability Testbed.

Scale of Use

Unsure at this point. However, the current work load will be very low.

Project Timeline

05/27/2013 - 20:29