SLURM testbed

Project Information

Computer Science (401) 

The XSEDE Software Testing and Deployment group needs a small SLURM testbed system (4 computes nodes + 1 head node) on which to test and evaluate grid software that needs to interact with SLURM, in particular UNICORE and Genesis II.  These nodes need not be physical servers; VMs (e.g. on Alamo) would be fine.

Intellectual Merit

This testing directly affects XSEDE's ability to test and deploy new versions of grid software for use by the national user community.

Broader Impacts

This testing directly affects XSEDE's ability to test and deploy new versions of grid software for use by the national user community.

Project Contact

Project Lead
Troy Baer (troy) 
Project Manager
Troy Baer (troy) 
Project Members
David Gignac, Bryon Gill, Edward Wozniak, James O'Donnell, Tabitha Samuel  

Resource Requirements

Hardware System
  • alamo (Dell optiplex at TACC)
Use of FutureGrid

Testing and evaluation of grid software that needs to interact with SLURM, in particular UNICORE and Genesis II.

Scale of Use

4 computes nodes + 1 head node for 4-6 weeks beginning early to mid November

Project Timeline

11/05/2013 - 15:50