Cloud Computing Class

Project Information

Computer Science (401) 

This is for a Cloud Computing Class, where students can realize what is Cloud Computing in real. In the first part of the course, they will explore Eucalyptus/Nimbus/OpenStack in order to understand the "basic steps" for each cloud computing platform. In the second part of the course, they will set up a Hadoop cluster and try out various scheduling strategies.

Intellectual Merit

The students will be involved in a realistic scenario where they will face problem concerning configuration, monitoring and management of a Cloud. The objective is to provide a hands-on experience

Broader Impacts

The intent of this it is also to figure out which is the best way to teach and to practice with cloud computing. This could also promote interest in research in cloud computing in the institution and give us an idea about how to set up a cloud lab.

Project Contact

Project Lead
Jayalakshmi Doddamane (jayads) 
Project Manager
Jayalakshmi Doddamane (jayads) 

Resource Requirements

Hardware System
  • Not sure
Use of FutureGrid

We will use FutureGrid as a testbed to start-up/shut-down instances with various services and set up a Hadoop cluster. Further, we would like to install Spark.

Scale of Use

The resources involved in our class are few physical machines (less than 50). The class is serving 16 students.

Project Timeline

09/20/2014 - 03:44