Course: Science Cloud Summer School 2012

Project Details

Project Lead
Gregor von Laszewski 
Project Manager
Fugang Wang 
Project Members
Fugang Wang, George Otto, Benjamin Ong, Hoofar Pourzand, Bill Brouwer, Dushyant Arora, Philip Crotwell, Lei Shi, Soichi Hayashi, L. Scott Johnson, Dena Izadi, Yue Hu, Prakashan Korambath, Matthew Route, Ali Dashti, Yao Hu, Jung Lee, Glenn K. Lockwood, Blake Stamps, Nitin Kumar, Arkarachai Fungtammasan, Rebeca Campos, Aaron Trefler, Binbin Wang, Peng Chen, Yong-Yeol Ahn, Daniel Standage, Rui Du, Zong Peng, Zhe Wan, Zhengqi He, Mohammad Tohid, Samuel Bingham, Jeaime Powell, Hui Li, Galen Arnold, David Stack, Tiannan Yang, Elena Slobounov, Wenjie Sha, Raunaq Malhotra, Kei Hang Katie Chan, Michael Ziegler, Edward Lau, Thomas Omwando, Ming Zeng, Scott McCaulay, Elnaz Esmaeilzadeh Seylabi, Aram Saloot, Viplav Khadke, Adetunji Anthony Adeleke, Muhammed Hassan, Raminderjeet Singh, Darius Ferguson, Jun Lai, Yisi Zhang, Abhik Seal, Saurabh Malviya, Nikolai Sergueev, Matthew Spellings, Jerry Ebalunode, Samanthule Nola, Xiande Wang, Shubhada Karavinkoppa, Meenu Pandey, Cory Gaston, Swati Nagde, Jayesh Kawli, Linda McMahan, Si Chen, Richard Wheeler, Jiaan Zeng, Aparna Tiwari, Venu Bangalore Parameshwara Setty, Sneha Shekatkar, Tianwei Zhang, Viknes Balasubramanee, Rahul Joglekar, Epaphras Matsangaise, Mohsen Lesani, Alka Gupta, Klaus Driesslein, Karthik Mallekav Nagaraj, Patrina Bly, Yuan Huang, Daniel LaPine, Selvi Kadirvel, Daniel Parker, Kailash Nagarkoti, Edward Byrne, Drew Montag, Terrence Barrette, Vembu Subramanian, Xi Zhu, Ye Fang, Qiyang Hu, Daniel Dauhajre, Jamika Baltrop, Troi Williams, Fei Xue, Sameer AbuAsal, Peng Gao, Shao-Ching Huang, Sergey Tarima, Mark Hornick, Katherine Fitch, Matthew Quandahl, Abhirup Chakraborty, Elvira Caldwell, Massimo Canonico, Yilan Zhang, Deepak Gupta, Hu Wang, Chin Hua Kong, James Fox, Quan Zhou, Ting Lei, Kuchumbi Hayden, Hui Yang, Ramesh Prasad, Monthien Satimanon, Guangchen Ruan, Feifan Liu, Yi Shi, Wenbo Shen, Karen Coulter, Aaron Todd, Anand Singh, Ahmad Hosseinizadeh, Euisung Jung, Jay Urbain, Kathryn Traxler, Mohammad Ali Namdarghanbari, Clayton Davis, Kourosh Ravvaz, Yun Jiang, Jeffrey Borck, Behnam Azimi, Tracy Yu, Jing Hong, Tajendra Singh, Charles Welzig, Douglas Cook, Justus Nyagwencha, Chun-Yuan Huang, Le-Shin Wu, Christopher Kallas, N Khalid Ahmed, Caglar Koylu, Hai Jin, Gebretensae Tzadu, Karissa McKElvey, Xiaolu Zhou, Jason Piwarski, Bhupender Thakur, Alexander Pacheco, Robert Marine, Thomas Lee, Tae Heon Kim, Chunyu Chen, Ralf Kotulla, Anna Pechenkina, Xiaowen Wang, Lixun Zhang, Dirk Colbry, Andrew Cho, Yang Ruan, Narcis Madern, Tak-Lon Wu, Jack Gundrum, Na Jin Seo, Harsh Savla, Colleen Lindell, Devesh Shrestha, Junjun Xin, Sameer Asal, Yin Wang, Suresh Marru, Sagar Budavi, Jun Wan, Barbara Ann O'Leary, Geoffrey Fox, Thilina Gunarathne, Javier Diaz Montes, Gideon Juve, Saliya Ekanayake  
Supporting Experts
Gregor von Laszewski, Fugang Wang, Koji Tanaka, Sharif Islam, Javier Diaz Montes, Barbara Ann O'Leary, Gary Miksik, Judy Qiu, Jonathan Klinginsmith, Zhenhua Guo, Xiaoming Gao, Jerome Mitchell, Yang Ruan, Tak-Lon Wu, Bingjing Zhang, Thilina Gunarathne, Saliya Ekanayake, Hyungro Lee, Andrew Younge, Mauricio Tsugawa, David Gignac, Ti Leggett, John Bresnahan  
Indiana University, Community Grids Laboratory  
Computer Science (401) 


The Science Cloud Summer School targets education and training of graduate students and the fostering of a community around a topic that has increasing interest and relevance: the use of cloud computing technologies in science - including infrastructure-as-a-service and platform-as-a-service. Because cloud computing systems and technologies provide a considerable departure from traditional models and evolve at a rapid pace, this event would provide a basis for students to immerse in a focused, intensive curriculum to learn fundamentals and experiment with these technologies in practice. We will cover topics of interest to students with both application and computer science focus.

For an alternative view without the boxes on the right see here.

Presentations from Day 1

Day 1:  Monday July 30 INTRODUCTION
all day Signing up for a FutureGrid Account
  • Prerequisit to participate in the Lab Sessions
Gregor von Laszewski
Fugang Wang
Shariff Isalm
Tak-lon Wu
others TBD
Indiana University html [bib]fg-2063[/bib]
11:00am - 12:00pm Introduction Geoffrey Fox Indiana University PPTX [bib]fg-2064[/bib]
12:00pm - 1:00pm Application:  Biology on the Cloud Michael Schatz Cold Spring Harbor PPT [bib]fg-2065[/bib]
1:00pm - 1:30pm Infrastructure Used: FutureGrid Geoffrey Fox Indiana University PPTX [bib]fg-2066[/bib]
1:30pm - 2:30pm Lunch Break
2:30pm - 3:30pm Introduction to virtual high performance computing clusters Thomas J. Hacker Purdue University PPTX [bib]fg-2067[/bib]
3:30pm - 4:30pm Nimbus:  Infrastructure Cloud Computing for Science

Resources used: 
  • hotel, 40 servers
  • sierra, 17 servers
Kate Keahey University of Chicago,
Argonne National Laboratory
PPTX [bib]fg-2068[/bib]
4:30pm  - 5:00pm Afternoon Break
5:00pm - 5:45pm Nimbus Infrastructure: Hands-on Using Infrastructure Clouds

Resources used:
  • hotel, 40 servers
  • sierra, 17 servers 
John Bresnahan University of Chicago,
Argonne National Laboratory
html [bib]fg-2069[/bib]
5:45pm - 6:45pm Nimbus Platform:  Managing Deployments in Multi-Cloud Environments

Resources used: 
  • hotel, 40 servers
  • sierra, 17 servers 
John Bresnahan, Mike Wilde,
Kate Keahey
University of Chicago,
Argonne National Laboratory
PPTX  [bib]fg-2070[/bib]
6:45pm - 7:00pm Wrap-Up Session

Presentations from Day 2

Day 2:  Tuesday July 31
all day Signing up for a FutureGrid Account
  • Prerequisit to participate in the Lab Sessions
Gregor von Laszewski
Fugang Wang
Shariff Isalm
Tak-lon Wu
others TBD
Indiana University html [bib]fg-2063[/bib]
11:00am - 12:00pm Running MapReduce in Non-Traditional Environments Abhishek Chandra University of Minnesota PPTX [bib]fg-2071[/bib]
12:00pm - 1:30pm Virtual Clusters Supporting MapReduce in Cloud

Lab Session: Reproducible Environment for Scientific Applications

Resources used: 

  • laptop, virtualbox, india, eucalyptus 


Jonathan Klinginsmith

Tak-Lon Wu
Indiana University PPTX [bib]fg-2072[/bib]

PPTX [bib]fg-2125[/bib]

HTML [bib]fg-2129[/bib]
1:30pm -
Lunch Break
2:30pm - 4:30pm MapReduce and NOSQL Cloud Storage

Resources used: 
  • laptop, virtualbox, india, eucalyptus 
Jerome Mitchell, Xiaoming Gao Indiana University PPTX [bib]fg-2104[/bib]

HTML [bib]fg-2133[/bib]

HTML [bib]fg-2110[/bib]

4:30pm  - 5:00pm Afternoon Break
5:00pm - 7:00pm Data Mining with Twister Iterative MapReduce Judy Qiu Indiana University PPTX [bib]fg-2101[/bib]
PPTX [bib]fg-2112[/bib]
6:45pm - 7:00pm Wrap-Up Session


Presentations from Day 3

all day Signing up for a FutureGrid Account
  • Prerequisit to participate in the Lab Sessions
Gregor von Laszewski
Fugang Wang
Shariff Isalm
Tak-lon Wu
others TBD
Indiana University html
11:00am - 1:00pm Building Scalable Data Intensive Applications on the Cloud with Makeflow and WorkQueue Douglas Thain Notre Dame html [bib]fg-2075[/bib]
1:00pm - 2:00pm Lunch Break
2:30pm - 3:30pm Commercial IaaS/PaaS I:  AWS for Scientists Jamie Kinney Amazon Web Services PDF [bib]fg-2076[/bib]
3:30pm - 4:30pm Commercial IaaS/PaaS II:  Azure and Twister4Azure Thilina Gunarathne Indiana University PPTX PPTX [bib]fg-2077[/bib]
4:30pm  - 5:00pm Afternoon Break
5:00pm - 5:45pm Networking and Clouds Martin Swany Indiana University PDF [bib]fg-2078[/bib]
5:45pm - 6:45pm IaaS in Action II:   OpenStack, , Indiana University

IaaS in Action II:   FutureGrid RAIN: Dynamic Provisioning on Bare Metal and IaaS in a Federated Cloud
  • Follow allong demos, lab can be done in self study 
Gregor von Laszewski, Javier Diaz Indiana University PPT [bib]fg-2079[/bib]
PPT [bib]fg-2080[/bib]
PPTX [bib]fg-2081[/bib]
6:45pm - 7:00pm Wrap-Up Session

Presentations from Day 4

all day Signing up for a FutureGrid Account
  • Prerequisit to participate in the Lab Sessions
Gregor von Laszewski
Fugang Wang
Shariff Isalm
Tak-lon Wu
others TBD
Indiana University html
11:00am - 1:15pm Federating HPC, Cyberinfrastructure and Clouds using CometCloud I

Resources used: 
  • hotel, 40 servers
  • sierra, 17 servers 
Manish Parashar Rutgers University HTML [bib]fg-2082[/bib]
1:15pm - 2:15pm Lunch Break
2:30pm - 4:15pm Federating HPC, Cyberinfrastructure and Clouds using CometCloud II

Resources used: 
  • hotel, 40 servers
  • sierra, 17 servers 
Manish Parashar Rutgers University  
4:15pm  - 4:45pm Afternoon Break
4:45pm - 5:45pm Magellan:  Evaluating Cloud Computing for Science Lavanya Ramakrishnan Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory PDF [bib]fg-2083[/bib]
5:45pm - 6:45pm Scientific Workflows in the Cloud Gideon Juve USC PPT [bib]fg-2084[/bib]
6:45pm - 7:00pm Wrap-Up Session


Presentations from Day 5

all day Signing up for a FutureGrid Account
  • Prerequisit to participate in the Lab Sessions
Gregor von Laszewski
Fugang Wang
Shariff Isalm
Tak-lon Wu
others TBD
Indiana University html
11:00am - 12:00pm Cloud Technology:  Virtual Private Clusters:  Virtual Appliances and Networks in the Cloud Renato Figueiredo University of Florida PPT [bib]fg-2085[/bib]
12:00pm - 1:00pm Applications of Cloud:  DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase Rick Stevens Argonne and University of Chicago PPT [bib]fg-2086[/bib]
1:00pm - 1:30pm Survey      
1:30pm - 2:30pm Lunch Break
2:30pm - 3:30pm Cloud Technology:  Cloud Security:  New Challenges and New Opportunities XiaoFeng Wang Indiana University PPTX [bib]fg-2087[/bib]
3:30pm - 4:30pm Applications of Cloud:  The iPlant Collaborative:  Science in the Cloud for Plant Biology Dan Stanzione TACC PDF [bib]fg-2088[/bib]
4:30pm  - 5:00pm Afternoon Break
5:00pm - 5:45pm Cloud Technology:  GPU on Clouds Andrew J. Younge Indiana University PPTX [bib]fg-2089[/bib]
5:45pm - 6:00pm Wrap-Up Session

    Intellectual Merit

    This tutorial will educate members of the community.

    Broader Impacts

    This tutorial will educate members of the community.

    Scale of Use

    Due to the many users we will focus on the start of many small environments. Users may have to team up into teams of two in case we have too many users.