XSEDE Related Projects

Project Number Project Namesort icon Project Lead Abstract XSEDE Origin Project (via AMIE)? XSEDE Related Project (via FG portal)? Project Year
FG-161 XSEDE: GenesisII-Unicore6 interop testing Andrew Grimshaw (University of Virginia)

XSEDE is the NSF follow on to the TeraGrid. The XSEDE system architecture is a three layer architecture with an access layer, a services layer, and a resources layer. The access and services layers require resources on which to run. It is desirable to test the GenesisII and Unicore6 interoperability on XSEDE testbed resources before release, and during development. We would like to use FutureGrid resources as a testbed for GenesisII-Unicore6 interop project.

No 2011/09
FG-79 XSEDE system software testing Andrew Grimshaw (University of Virginia)

XSEDE is the NSF follow on to the TeraGrid. The XSEDE system architecture is a three layer architecture with an access layer, a services layer, and a resources layer. The access and services layers require resources on which to run. It is desirable to test the XSEDE system software on non-production resources before each release, and during development. We would like to use FutureGrid resources as a testbed for XSEDE software development.

No 2011/01
FG-360 XSEDE Software Development and Integration Testing Shava Smallen (UC San Diego)

The XSEDE Software Development and Integration (SD&I) group uses best software engineering practices to deliver high quality software thru XSEDE Operations to Service Providers, End Users, and Campuses.  Testing is an integral part of the software engineering practices and the SD&I team requests access to distributed testbed resources like FutureGrid in order to perform realistic testing scenarios.  For more information, please see...

Yes 2013/08
FG-198 XSEDE Campus Bridging Rocks Roll testing Richard Knepper (Indiana University)

XSEDE Campus Bridging team is charged with the creation of Rocks Rolls of commons software packages for use by campus and regional cyberinfrastructure users. In order to distribute these, they need to be tested. The XSEDE CB team intends to use futuregrid as a test bed for installation and use of these Rocks Rolls.

No 2012/03
FG-90 Unicore and Genesis Experimentation Shava Smallen (UC San Diego)

In preparation for XSEDE, current TeraGrid staff are interested in gaining experience with Genesis and Unicore deployments running on FutureGrid.

No 2011/02
FG-373 Type Architectures and Parallel Programming Languages Andrew Grimshaw (University of Virginia)

Even after several decades of continuous research programming parallel computers still remains a complicated endeavor. Many parallel programming languages have been proposed in past and present as an alternative to the dominant MPI based parallelism, where a sequential language (C or FORTRAN) is been extended with communication primitives to exploit parallelism  however none succeeded to get a stronghold. Although the failure of these parallel programming languages is partially due to communitys...

Yes 2013/09
FG-10 TeraGrid XD TIS(Technology Insertion Service) Technology Evaluation Laboratory John Lockman (University of Texas at Austin)

The TIS team will operate a Technology Evaluation Laboratory to ensure that any proposed technology changes are thoroughly tested before being recommended for insertion into the production XD infrastructure.

No 2010/09
FG-73 TeraGrid QA Testing and Debugging Shava Smallen (UC San Diego)

The mission of the TeraGrid Quality Assurance (QA) working group is to identify and implement ways in which TeraGrid software components/services and production deployments can be improved to reduce the number of failures requiring operator intervention that are encountered at TeraGrid resource provider sites. The TeraGrid QA group utilized FutureGrid in the below experiments: GRAM 5 scalability testing, and GridFTP 5 testing.

No 2010/07
FG-410 Scaling up computational biology applications Saurabh Bagchi (Purdue University)

The scale of computing applications has been dramatically increasing over the past several years. As applications in computational genomics are let loose on ever-more-complex problems, the scale of the inputs to these applications has shot up. And as the pursuit of parallelism has led to increasing core counts for servers, and increasing numbers of servers and racks for data centers, the scale of the systems that these applications must run on has also dramatically risen. Running applications at large...

Yes 2014/02
FG-30 Publish/Subscribe Messaging as a Basis for TeraGrid Information Services Warren Smith (University of Texas at Austin)

"This project will use FutureGrid to evaluate the possibility of using a messaging service as the basis for TeraGrid information services. The goal is to determine whether a publish/subscribe messaging approach is more effective than the approach currently used in TeraGrid to gather information from distributed TeraGrid resources and provide this information to TeraGrid users and services.The project will initially implement a proof of concept where the messaging service is installed in a virtual...

No 2010/11
FG-152 Karnak Prediction Service Warren Smith (University of Texas at Austin)

Karnak is a prediction service that was originally deployed on TeraGrid (http://karnak.teragrid.org) and continues to be available in XSEDE. The service currently provides predictions of how long jobs will wait in scheduler batch queues before they begin to execute.

This project will use FutureGrid to evaluate alternative implementations of the service, optimize the accuracy of the machine learning techniques used by the...

No 2011/09
FG-91 Integrated Information Services (IIS) Testing John-Paul Navarro (Univ. of Chicago/Argonne National Laboratory)

Distributed infrastructures need information services that enable users and software to discover infrastructure characteristics. IIS will enable this discovery by: Defining an information architecture, adopting standard schemas like (GLUE2) or developing new schemas integrated into the information architecture, and providing reference implementations of these schemas; Creating and distributing a reference information service implementation that integrates established open source tools that...

No 2011/02
FG-204 GFFS Testing for XSEDE pilot Richard Knepper (Indiana University)

Testing of the GFFS software on FutureGrid systems.

No 2012/04
FG-80 Genesis II testing Andrew Grimshaw (University of Virginia)

Genesis II is the first integrated implementation of the standards and profiles emerging from the OGF Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) Working Group [2-7]. Genesis II is a complete set of compute and data grid services for users and applications which not only follows the maxim – “by default the user should not have to think” – but is also a from-scratch implementation of the standards and profiles. Genesis II is implemented in Java, runs on Apache/Axis on Jetty, and is open-sourced under the...

No 2010/08
FG-62 Evaluation of using XD TAS (Technology Auditing Service) in FutureGrid Charng-Da Lu (SUNY)

This project will explore how to utilize the XD TAS (Technology Auditing Service) framework as part of FG and identify if modifications to TAS need to be made in order to fulfill the needs of FutureGrid.

No 2010/12
FG-229 Course: XSEDE 2012 Tutorial John Bresnahan (Nimbus)

This project will be used for attendees of the xsede tutorial.

No 2012/06
FG-440 Cloudmesh REU Summer Projects Gregor von Laszewski (Indiana University)

This project develops a number of projects that are documented in more detail at 


This project will work on thre of them

Project 1: Account Management

Cloudmesh is a project that allows the management of virtual machines in a federated fasion. It can be run in two modes. One is a standalone mode whare the users runs cloudmesh on the local...

Yes 2014/06