XSEDE system software testing


XSEDE is the NSF follow on to the TeraGrid. The XSEDE system architecture is a three layer architecture with an access layer, a services layer, and a resources layer. The access and services layers require resources on which to run. It is desirable to test the XSEDE system software on non-production resources before each release, and during development. We would like to use FutureGrid resources as a testbed for XSEDE software development.

Intellectual Merit

XSEDE is an NSF-funded infrastructure project. The intellectual merit comes primarily via the science that is done using the infrastructure.

Broader Impact

The impact of XSEDE will be significant. Dozens of large science projects will use XSEDE on a daily basis. Further, XSEDE will lower the barriers for collaboration between campuses.

Use of FutureGrid

As described earlier we will use FG extensively for testing, particularly at the performance extremes.

Scale Of Use

Large scale, not so much in nodes as in number of hosts.



XSEDE software testing on FutureGrid began in earnest mid-October 2011. The work built upon our earlier Genesis II testing and Genesis II/UNIOCRE 6 interoperation testing projects on FutureGrid. Accounts for XSEDE staff have been provided, and enhanced permission for a UNICORE 6 service on each of Alamo, India, Sierra, and X-Ray has been provided. While the testing process is still in progress FutureGrid has been an invaluable resource for the XSEDE testing team. XSEDE-specific UNICORE 6 endpoints have been deployed and tested on India, Sierra, and X-ray, and called by a Genesis II meta-scheduler (grid queue) running at UVA. Similarly Genesis II endpoints have been deployed on India and Alamo for Global Federated File System (GFFS) testing.

The FutureGrid system adminsitrators have been most helpful in this process.
Andrew Grimshaw
Karolina Sarnowska-Upton
University of Virginia

Project Members

Avinash Kalyanaraman
Chad Vizino
Chris Jordan
Derek Simmel
Gary Rogers
J Ray Scott
Karolina Sarnowska-Upton
Michael Campfield
Muhammad Yanhaona
Ryan Braby
Sal Valente
Sivakumar Kulasekaran
Tabitha Samuel
Troy Baer
Victor Hazlewood

Project Alumni

Sal Valente
Chad Vizino


1 year 26 weeks ago