UniFrame : QoS aware Service Discovery and Composition framework for Cloud


Cloud inherent features impose challenges in ensuring QoS with hosted services. On the other hand SOA encourages dynamic discovery & composition of services. UniFrame is an experimental framework for merging the above concepts.

Intellectual Merit

UniFrame will experiments on finding means to bride the existing challenges in ensuring QoS with cloud hosted services which enables QoS aware dynamic discovery and composition of new services.

Broader Impact

By using the Future Grid, we would like to collaborate with Future Grid and other communities who are involved in similar nature of experimentation, and also contribute our results back to the community.

Use of FutureGrid

Our goal is to experimentally validate the framework capacity of UniFrame to use a Eucalyptus based Cloud.

Scale Of Use

For the initial phase small no of resources (VMs) are needed. Future work of scalability studies may require to a larger experimentation, with more resources.


Lahiru Pileththuwasan Gallege
Dimuthu Undupitiya Gamage

Project Members

Dimuthu Undupitiya Gamage


3 years 31 weeks ago