FutureGrid Systems Development and Prototyping


Develop grid and cloud middleware systems for the FutureGrid project See also project 110, which we want to merge into this one.

Intellectual Merit

See the FutureGrid project for more information

Broader Impact

See the FutureGrid project for more information.

Use of FutureGrid

My use of FutureGrid is twofold. First, I am a developer of the FutureGrid project and will be developing grid and cloud middleware systems. I will also leverage FutureGrid resources in order to conduct research experiments related to various distributed systems projects. Both activities will be conducted under the direction of Geoffrey Fox or Gregor von Laszewski.

Scale Of Use

I assume my usage to be minimal but continual during Phase II and Phase III of the FutureGrid project.


Koji Tanaka
Andrew Younge
Indiana University

Project Members

Koji Tanaka
Lyle Carlson
Mauricio Tsugawa
Shava Smallen
Ti Leggett
Tom Hutton
Tom Johnson

Project Alumni

Sharif Islam



1 year 19 weeks ago