Parallel watershed and hdyrodynamic models


This project will develop a decision support tool for enhanced understanding and managing flow and water quality in streams and reservoir in the Eagle Creek watershed. The project uses computationally intensive simulation models, and requires the use of distributed computing for solving complex environmental problems in a tractable manner. Additionally, these models are also being used to visualize and design solutions via a web-based interface, which requires on-demand use of computational resources to implement these simulation models. hence, the use of cloud computing will be explored for this purpose.

Intellectual Merit

The proposed research develops transformative concepts for search and design algorithms that provide more robust, transparent, and comprehensive means for supporting environmental planning and management processes, at the same time integrating knowledge from hydrologic sciences, environmental engineering, computer science, economics, and decision science. The investigators and collaborators have diverse and complementing expertise in the areas of hydrology, environmental engineering, computer science, economics, and ecosystem science.

Broader Impact

This research embodies a profound new approach in watershed management: community interaction in the design process. Past management approaches have included public participation at the beginning or end of a design process, whereas here the watershed community will be included in all aspects of the design process. Community participation is particularly important for the adoption of distributed upland storage as an alternative to past structural methods for controlling floods: non-structural methods are often on private lands and require the acceptance and participation of watershed inhabitants. As well as its research contributions, the project will provide training of graduate students and undergraduate students in Earth and Environmental Sciences and Computer Science, jointly by the investigators and collaborators, in a multi-disciplinary project environment. Further, the methodologies can be extended to other domains involving the intersection of man-made, environmental, and societal systems. Presenting our results widely to audiences involved in environmental and ecosystem management, we will help promote more participatory management of our nation’s environmental resources.

Use of FutureGrid

The project uses computationally intensive simulation models, and requires the use of distributed computing for solving complex environmental problems in a tractable manner. Additionally, these models are also being used to visualize and design solutions via a web-based interface, which requires on-demand use of computational resources to implement these simulation models. hence, the use of cloud computing will be explored for this purpose.

Scale Of Use

Variable. We cannot estimate the usage as of now.



Tempest cluster in Future grid was used to support the work in the following publications: 

1. Babbar-Sebens, M., Barr, R.C., Tedesco, L.P., Anderson, M., 2013. Spatial identification and optimization of upland wetlands in agricultural watersheds. Ecological Engineering, 52, pp. 130– 142.

Meghna Babbar-Sebens
Oregon State University

Project Members

Chaitanya Deepthi Matangi
Sonali Sharma


1 year 26 weeks ago