Course: Data Center Scale Computing


This project is for a seminar class being taught on "Data Center Scale Computing" at the University of Colorado, Boulder in Fall 2012.

Intellectual Merit

The goal of this class is to provide an undegraduate / graduate "pragmatics" class on data center scale computing. Students will be using their own resources for many parts of the class, but the goal is to have students construct scalable applications using an EC2 compatible cloud system (such as OpenStack) and develop a Hadoop/Solr/Mahout based application.

Broader Impact

The class will directly teach undergraduate students, masters level and PhD level students in a variety of disciplines about the technologies needed to harness "bid data" computing.

Use of FutureGrid

I would like to have students to have accounts on a managed, stable OpenStack and/or Hadoop environment to use during the course.

Scale Of Use

I believe this will be a few VM's for relatively short durations -- primarily software development.



Results are not known at this time.
Dirk Grunwald
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder

Project Members

Eric Goodman
Sears Merritt

FutureGrid Experts

Gregor von Laszewski