Investigation of Cloud Technologies for advancement of campus research.


University of Colorado at Boulder recognizes the importance of IaaS and clouds in advancing the research capabilities of modern day scientists. This project will explore the application and benefits of cloud technologies for disciplines that don't require a tightly coupled supercomputing environment, but need to perform a substantial amount of computational work.
The initial phase will involve the exploration of the various cloud management softwares to gain knowledge about the different technologies and compare the features of different solutions. The second phase of this evaluation will be to identify research areas at CU-Boulder that can benefit from those cloud technologies and pilot a few users using cloud services

Intellectual Merit

Evaluate different cloud technologies and pilot research projects that will benefit from IaaS services. Compare open source cloud solution to commercial in house solutions based on VMware.

Broader Impact

Enable computational research for areas that are not well represented on the current HPC system at CU-Boulder. Disseminate the experiences for different research areas using cloud technologies.

Use of FutureGrid

To help identify those areas of research being done at University of
Colorado can benefit from cloud technologies, such as genomics or
language processing.

Scale Of Use

Not particularly large, mostly proof of concept and scaling studies
which can be done on an as available basis.


Jazcek Braden
University of Colorado at Boiulder

Project Members

ryan arndorfer
Thomas Hauser

FutureGrid Experts

Gregor von Laszewski