Microbial community structure of boreal and Artic soil samples


Microbial community structure of the artic and Boreal forest soil samples will be analysed.

Intellectual Merit

Microorganisms are vital for all ecosystems on the earth. Enormous numbers of more diverse microbes are present and their abundances, is so important for the ecosystem, so this study will fill the gaps in the artic and boreal forest ecosystem.

Broader Impact

Microbial community structure is very essential to know the kind of interaction happens between different genera and species.

Use of FutureGrid

I will use to analyse the data generated from 454 sequences and illumina sequences

Scale Of Use

i will use it 2 days to one week for analysing the data


Tejesvi Mysore
University of Oulu

FutureGrid Experts

Yang Ruan


2 years 2 weeks ago