Course: High Performance Computing Class


This course provides a broad introduction to the fundamentals in high performance computing and its enabling system architectures. The emphasis is on parallel architectures, memory access and programming models, performance modeling, virtualization, and design of parallel algorithms.

Intellectual Merit

In this course, students will explore the state-of-the-art and research directions relating to high performance computing.

Broader Impact

This project will provide invaluable research, educational and training opportunities to students at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Software and curriculum materials developed under this project will be distributed to the community as free, open source materials.

Use of FutureGrid

We will use FutureGrid resources as a testbed for course term projects

Scale Of Use

The class size will be about 40 students


Wilson Rivera
University of Puerto Rico

Project Members

Alfonso Monet
Alicia Surillo
Andres Malines
Beatrice Perez
Carlos Gomez
Cesar Cruz
Christian Montes
David Bartolomei
David Bartolomei
David Fernandez
Derick Morán
Eduardo Acevedo
Eduardo Breijo
Edwin Negron
Enrique Rodriguez
Erick Caraballo
Hector Franqui
Isnardo Arenas
Jan Solá
Jesus Cajigas
Jose Martinez
Jose Rodriguez
Jose Virella
Juan Bermúdez
Juan Morales
Juan Nieves
Juan Carlos de León Díaz
Kevin Aponte
Kevin Hernandez
Keysha Gonzalez-Colon
Leroy Gonzalez
Luis Gonzalez
Luis Medina
Luis Tavarez
Luis Torres
Manuel Correa
Manuel E. Marquez
Omar Soto
Ramón Saldaña
Ricardo Marrero
Steven Rodriguez
walter quispe


1 year 6 weeks ago