Graph/network analysis Resource manager


resource manager is a project at NDSSl to intelligently allocate different platforms of HPC, grid or cloud computing resources for the graph/network analysis.

Intellectual Merit

The project can learn new echnique to intelligent resource allocation and middleware software as a pug-in-play for different kind of resources to join the shared pool.

Broader Impact

The project may be helpful for any project at a large scale witha gradient of lab infrastructures and teams with large scale and compute intensive simulation and analysis jobs

Use of FutureGrid

We will use futuregrid to provision VM's to run our graph/network analysis jobs.

Scale Of Use

a few VM's first and then our need may grow with the extent of job allocation.


Tirtha Bhattacharjee
Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

FutureGrid Experts

Tak-Lon Wu



50 weeks 4 days ago