

Inca is a user-level monitoring tool that has been used successfully in cyberinfrastructure (CI) projects such as the TeraGrid and other similar projects. Its flexible architecture enables multiple types of functionality and performance data to easily be collected about the systems it is monitoring. A unique centralized monitoring configuration approach makes Inca easy to setup and maintain on multiple systems and lends to consistent monitoring results.

Intellectual Merit

Inca aims to improve the reliability of CI systems by simplifying the process of deploying and managing a monitoring system to detect user-level failures and provide support to troubleshoot and resolve problems.

Broader Impact

Since these CI systems are used by a broad and diverse user base, Inca benefits multiple areas of science and engineering.

Use of FutureGrid

The Inca team would be interested in using FutureGrid to do release testing and scalability testing of the Inca software.

Scale Of Use

One to tens of VMs.


Shava Smallen
UC San Diego

Project Members

Inca Account
Jessica Hartog
Mike Lowe
Renan DelValle

FutureGrid Experts

Shava Smallen
