Cloud Infrastructure Utilization


key advantage of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds is providing users on-demand access to resources. However, to provide on-demand access, cloud providers must either significantly overprovision their infrastructure (and pay a high price for operating resources with low utilization) or reject a large proportion of user requests (in which case the access is no longer on-demand). At the same time, not all users require truly on-demand access to resources. Many applications and workflows are designed for recoverable systems where interruptions in service are expected. We propose a cloud infrastructure that combines on-demand allocation of resources with opportunistic provisioning of cycles from idle cloud nodes to other processes.

Intellectual Merit

It provides utilization infratructure usage from 37.5% to 100%

Note support email
From: Girish Bhole via RT []
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2014 10:38 AM
Subject: [ #4947] Re: Rahul Limbole


FutureGrid Support

Mr. Rahul Limbole is a Masters student at our institute "VJTI" . He wants to use Future Grid facility for his project work.

I shall be very much thankful if FutureGrid Provides him access to its resources. This will be of great help to Rahul to complete his project work.

I strongly recommend to grant access to resources of FutureGrid.

Thanks and Regards

Broader Impact

It will improve the utilization infrastructre in cloud

Use of FutureGrid

It will provide me the resources i.e virtual machines for deployment of my images

Scale Of Use

I need 4-5 cores on whice i can run my virtual machines



Rahul Limbole
Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute Mumbai



17 weeks 5 days ago