A SOA-based model for the integrated provisioning of cloud and grid resources

TitleA SOA-based model for the integrated provisioning of cloud and grid resources
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsBosin, A.
JournalAdvances in Software Engineering
Type of WorkPaper
Keywordscloud, e-Science, grid, Service-Oriented Architectures, Web Services, Workflows
AbstractIn the last years, the availability and models of use of networked computing resources within reach of e-Science are rapidly changing and see the coexistence of many disparate paradigms: high performance computing, grid and recently cloud. Unfortunately, none of these paradigms is recognized as the ultimate solution, and a convergence of them all should be pursued. At the same time, recent works have proposed a number of models and tools to address the growing needs and expectations in the field of e-Science. In particular, they have shown the advantages and the feasibility of modeling e-Science environments and infrastructures according to the Service- Oriented Architecture. In this paper we suggest a model to promote the convergence and the integration of the different computing paradigms and infrastructures for the dynamic on-demand provisioning of resources from multiple providers as a cohesive aggregate, leveraging the Service-Oriented Architecture. In addition, we propose a design aimed at endorsing a flexible, modular, workflow-based computing model for e-Science. The model is supplemented by a working prototype implementation together with a case study in the applicative domain of bio-informatics, which are used to validate the presented approach and to to carry out some performance and scalability measurements.
FG Project157
Refereed DesignationRefereed