



Many of the FutureGrid partners will be represented at SC10. A central location to obtain  information about the project is at the Indiana University booth. Additional information is provided by the partner sites in their respective booths. Please do not hesitate to ask about FutureGrid while visiting one of the booths:



To present you with some ideas of what you can expect, please see our anticipated activities for SC. 

Indiana University (IU) - Booth 3625

  • Meet the FG PI, FG Software Architect, FG Systems Manager, and FG Developers: There will always be someone at the IU booth to discuss topics about FG. If you need a special appointment, you can reach the following people:
    • Gregor von Laszewski, (cell) 234 567 9065,
  • See a demonstration to create images on demand 
  • See various presentations about 
    • Image Management
    • Experiment Management
    • The use of Eucalyptus on FG
    • The use of Hadoop on FG
    • The use of Nimbus on FG (on appointment with our partners from UC)
  • Discuss if your project can benefit from FG
  • Apply for a project with FG
  • Socialize and let us know about your ideas and requirements
  • Find out about other HPCC activities 

Center for Autonomic Computing (CAC) - Booth 1362

The University of Florida (UF) is a partner site of the FutureGrid project, leading efforts in overlay virtual networking and education and outreach. At SC-2010, the UF FutureGrid team will be represented at the booth of the Center for Autonomic Computing (CAC) booth. At the CAC booth, an interactive demo will be given showing how to deploy an educational Grid appliance on FutureGrid resources and on laptops on the exhibit floor. One-on-one demos will be given throughout Nov 16 and 17.

San Diego Supercomputing Center (SDSC) - Booth 2239

Tuesday 16, Nov 2:00-2:30pm
Presentation about "FutureGrid" by Gregor von Laszewski  

University of Virginia/Virginia Tech - Booth 4319

The University of Virginia will be demonstrating the standards-based Cross-Campus Grid (XCG). The XCG includes FutureGrid resources accessible via standard interfaces (OGSA-BES and others), as well as dynamic resource provisioning into the FutureGrid cloud using the Eucalyptus interface.

Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) - Booth 2513

Tuesday, 16 Nov, 2:30-3:30pm
Presentation about "Nimbus: Cloud Computing for Science" by Kate Keahey

Click here to learn more about other events at the ANL booth


Poster Session at the Technical Program

Tuesday, November 16th

5:15PM - 7:00PM Poster Research Poster Reception Rain: Dynamically Provisioning Clouds within FutureGrid Geoffrey C. Fox, Warren Smith, Andrew Grimshaw, Jose Fortes, Kate Keahey, Gregor von Laszewski Main Lobby Add to iCal Add to Outlook Add to Google Calendars
5:15PM - 7:00PM Poster Research Poster Reception
  Cumulus: Open Source Storage Cloud for Science
John Bresnahan, Kate Keahey, Tim Freeman, David LaBissoniere
Main Lobby
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Gateway Computing Environments (GCE10) Workshop 

Sunday Nov 14, 9:00am - 5:30pm, Room 274
Paper about FG presented by Gregor von Laszewski

Workshop on Workflow in Support of Large-Scale Science

Sunday Nov 14, 11:15am - noon, Room 278-279
Keynote about FG given by Gregor von Laszewski

Collaborative Events

Collaborative events (not funded by FG but will have impact on FG)

TAS Bof, we intend to collaborate with TAS to integrate an auditing framework



The following meetings are internal meetings and are not open to the public. 

General FutureGrid Meeting

  • Tuesday morning till noon


TAS Advisory Board Meeting

  • Attended by Gregor von Laszewski, Monday 3pm, FutureGrid will be represented through participation of Dr. von Laszewski