Engage with FutureGrid at SC12

FutureGrid at SC12

Please join us at SC 12 for hands-on training using FutureGrid, an experimental testbed for Cloud, Grid, and HPC, as well as a Birds of a Feather (BOF) exploring whether infrastructure clouds can provide a viable platform for HPC, a BOF on Science-as-a-Service exploring clouds for computational and data-enabled science and engineering, and Demos/Presentations/Q&A on FutureGrid and its capabilities.   

We look forward to engaging with you at this exciting conference highlighting national cyberinfrastructure.   

The schedule of FutureGrid events at SC12:

Monday November 12

8:30am - 5:00pm   355-E

Tutorial:  Infrastructure Clouds and Elastic Services for Science

John Bresnahan, Kate Keahey, Patrick Armstrong, Pierre Riteau

Infrastructure cloud computing has emerged as a promising outsourcing paradigm: it has been widely embraced commercially and is also beginning to make inroads in scientific communities. In view of this development, it is essential to understand whether this new paradigm is worthwhile and how to use it for science. This tutorial will introduce infrastructure cloud computing, provide up-to-date information about features and services that benefit science, and explain how they can be leveraged. We will highlight opportunities, debunk myths, and equip the attendees with a better understanding of the relevance of cloud computing to their scientific domain. Our tutorial mixes the discussion of various aspects of cloud computing for science, such as performance, elasticity, privacy, with practical exercises using clouds and state-of-the- art tools.


Tuesday  November 13

12:15pm - 1:15pm   250-AB

BOF:  Interoperability in Scientific Cloud Federations

Christine Morin, Kate Keahey, Yvon Jegou, Roberto Cascella

The uptake of cloud computing has as major obstacle in the heterogeneity of hardware and software, which make difficult the portability of applications and services. Interoperability among cloud providers is the only way to avoid vendor lock-in and open the way toward a more competitive market. Interoperability can be achieved either by using open standards and protocols or by a middleware service to adapt the application/service to a specific cloud provider. The audience will be guided through the major challenges for interoperability from the IaaS to PaaS model and discuss the potential approaches for the interoperability in scientific cloud federations.

5:30pm - 7:00pm   251-E

BOF:  Computing Research Testbeds as a Service:  Supporting large scale Experiments and Testing

Geoffrey Fox,  José A.B. Fortes

This BOF discusses the concept of a Computing Testbed as a Service supporting application, computer science, education and technology evaluation usages that have different requirements from production jobs. We look at lessons from projects like Grid5000, FutureGrid, OpenCirrus, PlanetLab and GENI. We discuss 1) the requirements that Computing Testbeds as a Service need to address 2) The software needed to support TestbedaaS and a possible open source activity and 3) interest in federating resources to produce large scale testbeds and what commitments participants may need to make in such a federation.



Wednesday November 14

9:00am - 12:00noon Salon "H" at Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek (across from convention center)

FutureGrid II Open Forum (morning session)

12:15pm - 1:15pm   155-C

BOF:  Science-as-a Service:  Exploring Clouds for Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering

Manish Parashar, Geoffrey Fox, Kate Keahey, David Lifka

Clouds are rapidly joining high-performance computing system, clusters and Grids as viable platforms for scientific exploration and discovery. As a result, understanding application formulations and usage modes that are meaningful in such a hybrid infrastructure, and how application workflows can effectively utilize it, is critical. This BOF will explore how Clouds can be effectively used to support real-world science and engineering applications, and will discusses key research challenges (from both, a computer science as well as an applications perspective) as well as a community research agenda.

2:00pm - 6:00pm   Meet the FutureGrid team at the Indiana University Booth

Demos/Presentations/Q&A:  Meet FutureGrid 

Gregor von Laszewski, Koji Tanaka, Jerome Mitchell, Gary Miksik

FutureGrid team members will be on hand to demonstrate FutureGrid capabilities, present research and educational opportunities, discuss projects currently taking place on FutureGrid, and explore possibilities going forward.  FutureGrid project members are invited to stop by to share about their work using the FutureGrid experimental testbed.

3:00pm - 5:00pm  Salon "H" at Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek (across from convention center)

FutureGrid II Open Forum (afternoon session)


EXHIBIT Nov 12-15, 2012 during exhibit hours.

Schedule an appointment to find out more about FutureGrid or apply for accounts, stop by at the Indiana booth (#1343) or call
Gregor von Laszewski at + 585 993 2922


Event Type: 