
Survey of Open-Source Cloud Infrastructure using FutureGrid Testbed

Survey of Open-Source Cloud Infrastructure using FutureGrid Testbed

Project Details

Project Lead
Tak-Lon Wu 
Project Manager
Tak-Lon Wu 
Supporting Experts
Tak-Lon Wu  
Indiana University, Pervasive Technology Institute / Community Grids Laboratory  
Computer Science (401) 


A brief ongoing taxonomy among the current open source cloud infrastructure, obviously, Nimbus, Eucalyptus, OpenNeb

Intellectual Merit

This is an emerging research topic for Cloud Computing, and initially, this project is planning to submit a student poster to CloudCom 2010

Broader Impacts

With providing such taxonomy, it will help cloud system admins have more understanding about which technologies are suitable for their custom environment.

Scale of Use

small, up to 8 nodes (VMs)

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