Using HPSS from FutureGrid

Note: FutureGrid does not provide an HPSS server. The HSI is used to access IU's HPSS service from INDIA. This is available only for IU faculty, staff, and students.

Through the SDA (formerly known as MDSS) service, IU provides distributed storage service to faculty, staff, and graduate students. The HSI (Hierarchical Storage Interface) client is available in INDIA. To use the HSI client:

  • First, activate your SDA account. Detailed instructions are available at IU's MDSS Service Starter Kit page.
  • Then, from INDIA, load the HSI module as follows:
$ module load hsi
hsi version 3.5.3 loaded
  • Connect to the SDA:
$ hsi -A combo
Principal: your_iu_userid                                
Username: your_iu_userid  UID: 1122636  Acct: 1122636(1122636) Copies: 1 Firewall: off [hsi.3.5.3 Fri Nov 20 10:01:25 EST 2009]

Note: Your Principal is your IU Network ID, and your password is the IU passphrase.

  • Enable firewall mode; otherwise, you will receive this error:

    put: Error -5 on transfer
? firewall -on
A: firewall mode set ON, I/O mode set to extended (parallel=off), autoscheduling currently set to OFF
  • List local folder:
 ? lls
  • List the current directory in HPSS:
? pwd
pwd0: /hpss/pathtoyouriuusername