IPOP (IP-over-P2P) Virtual Network Tutorial


IPOP (IP-over-P2P) is a software-defined virtual network that can be used as a basis for creating virtual private clusters across multiple cloud providers and administrative domains. IPOP is architected as a peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay for tunneling and routing of encapsulated IP packets that are captured/injected into virtual network interfaces (v-NICs). The IPOP software consists of P2P routers that run on endpoints that are connected to the virtual network, such as virtual machines (VMs) distributed across multiple cloud providers.

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for deploying a demonstration IP-over-P2P (IPOP) virtual network among VMs that can be deployed on different commercial and private clouds, as well as on your own resources. These include FutureGrid Nimbus/OpenStack clouds, Amazon EC2, as well as virtual machines that you can run on your own computer using VMware or VirtualBox.



Step 1: Deploying VMs to be connected by IPOP

The first step in this tutorial is to deploy at least two virtual machines which will be connected by an IPOP virtual network. IPOP runs inside VMs - the main requirement for IPOP to work is that the VMs are connected to the Internet. The VM can either have a public address, or have a private address that connects to the public Internet through a Network Address Translator (NAT). You can, for instance deploy one VM on your computer, and one VM on FutureGrid, and observe how they get connected by the virtual network.

IPOP is currently packaged for Debian/Ubuntu Linux systems, so you need to run a virtual machine based off these distributions. The following steps describe how to run virtual machines on FutureGrid, Amazon EC2, or your own desktop - select which approach you want to use and follow the instructions below to deploy at least two virtual machines.

  • Option 1: Deploying a VM on FutureGrid Using Nimbus

A Nimbus image with Ubuntu 12.04 is available on TACC's cluster (Alamo) with KVM virtualization technology. The image name is "ubuntu12.04.x64.kvm" and it is available to all FutureGrid users. Use the Nimbus cloud-client.sh client as described in the Nimbus tutorial to deploy a virtual machine on Alamo:

cloud-client.sh --conf conf/alamo.conf --run --name ubuntu12.04.x64.kvm --hours 24

  • Option 2: Deploying a VM on FutureGrid Using OpenStack


An OpenStack image with Ubuntu 12.04 is available on IU's cluster (india). The image AMI ID is "ami-0000000d" and it is available to all FutureGrid users. Use euca2ools as described in the OpenStack tutorial to deploy a virtual machine on india:

euca-run-instances -k keyname -n 1 ami-0000000d

  • Option 3: Deploying a VM on Amazon EC2

Amazon EC2 has a Ubuntu 12.04 image available (Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 LTS) with AMI ID ami-d0f89fb9 which has been tested and is known to work with this tutorial; other recent Debian/Ubuntu AMIs should also work. Follow instructions from Amazon EC2 to deploy instances of this virtual machine. NOTE: This has been tested on an EC2 instance configured with a Security Group that does not block UDP traffic - i.e. with a rule for UDP: 

1 - 65535
  • Option 4: Deploying a VM on your computer (VMware, VirtualBox)

While there are several possible Debian/Ubuntu images that you can use for this tutorial, an image that has been tested and is known to work is a Debian Squeeze appliance that runs on VMware.

Step 2: Establishing IPOP connectivity between two VMs

One you finish step 1 and have two VMs up and running, you will install and deploy IPOP on the VMs to establish connectivity between them over a virtual network.

To make the process simpler for the first time you use IPOP, this tutorial uses configuration files with several pre-set values to minimize configuration steps from your part. Once you finish the tutorial and understand how IPOP can be dpeloyed, you can use these configuration files as templates to deploy other IPOP virtual networks.

We assume that you have deployed two VMs - we will be refer to them as "Alice" and "Bob" in the rest of the tutorial. The "Alice" VM will be configured with an IPOP virtual IP address, while the "Bob" VM will be configured with an IPOP virtual IP address

2.1) Bring up IPOP in the "Alice" VM  
First, you need to remote login (using ssh) into the first VM instance you deployed - let's call it "Alice". To ssh into the VM using ssh, follow the instructions based on the respective cloud/VM you are using (Nimbus, OpenStack, EC2). Once you are logged to the VM, install the tutorial files as follows (you can copy and paste the commands below to avoid mistakes):

(Note: you must perform these steps as the user "root". If you have not ssh'ed into the machine as root, e.g. as the "ubuntu" user", you need to first run "sudo bash" to become root; in the Debian squeeze appliance, type "su" and enter "password" - without quotes - when prompted)

wget http://www.acis.ufl.edu/~renato/ipopdemo/ipop_demo_prepare_debian.zip
apt-get install unzip
unzip ipop_demo_prepare_debian.zip

Now, on to configuring your virtual network node for this demo. To do this, you need two pieces of information: the IPOP "namespace", which is a string that uniquely identifies your virtual network in the P2P system, and a virtual IP address. The script below helps configure these parameters: you need to substitute CHANGE_THIS by another string to uniquely identify your IPOP network during this tutorial. For instance, if you run this tutorial on May 21 2013, you could substitute CHANGE_THIS by a string such as ipop_tutorial_05_21_2013_your_name. The second parameter is the last byte of the virtual IP address - we will use "10" for Alice, so it gets

./ipop_demo_prepare.sh CHANGE_THIS 10
At the end of this process, you should be able to see a "tapipop" virtual network interface configured with the virtual IP address. (Note: the tutorial files assume the private network does not conflict with a network your VM is attached to, which is typically the case. If needed, you can change the base address/netmask by editing the respective in ipop_demo_prepare.sh)

Type the following command to confirm:

ifconfig tapipop

And you should see an output that looks like this:

tapipop   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 96:44:a8:53:67:2a  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
         RX packets:525 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
         TX packets:277 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
         collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
          RX bytes:56314 (56.3 KB)  TX bytes:32314 (32.3 KB)
2.2) Bring up IPOP in the "Bob" VM

Now using another terminal, ssh into the "Bob" VM and repeat the same process you did for Alice (again, as root):
wget http://www.acis.ufl.edu/~renato/ipopdemo/ipop_demo_prepare_debian.zip
apt-get install unzip
unzip ipop_demo_prepare_debian.zip

To configure IPOP namespace and IP address in the Bob VM, substitute CHANGE_THIS by the exact same string you used when configuring Alice, and set the IP address last byte to be "20", as follows. Be careful when typing, because if the namespace strings do not exactly match, your tutorial will not work correctly:

./ipop_demo_prepare.sh CHANGE_THIS 20

At the end of this process, as in the Alice VM, you should be able to also see a "tapipop" virtual network interface; in the Bob VM, it is configured with the virtual IP address. 

2.3) Get Alice and Bob connected

We will use now the "ping" tool to send ICPM echo packets between Alice and Bob over the IPOP virtual network. Ping is a helpful tool for basic diagnostics of network connectivity, so we use it in this demonstration; once you confirm that ICMP packets are flowing with ping, you should be able to have any other TCP/IP traffic running over the virtual network.

Login into Alice, and ping Bob, as follows:


(Or, vice versa, you can log in Bob and ping Alice: ping

In the typical case, assuming you are not behind a symmetric NAT, you should see the following pattern: First, a few ICMP ping packets being dropped in the beginning, followed by a few packets that may have long latencies (hundreds of miliseconds, see packet with icmp_seq 6 below), then packets with lower latency. The following snapshot shows an example of the kind of output you should expect if you deploy your VMs in the same data center (the latency may be shorter or longer in your case depending on network conditions and NAT/firewall behavior):

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=5 Destination Host Unreachable
64 bytes from icmp_req=6 ttl=64 time=1008 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=7 ttl=64 time=8.46 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=8 ttl=64 time=1.87 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=9 ttl=64 time=1.87 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=10 ttl=64 time=1.64 ms

What is going on in this example? Your two virtual macihnes are connected to a larger P2P overlay, with nodes distributed all over the world - we use the PlanetLab system to host a "bootstrapping" IPOP overlay.

Before Alice and Bob communicate with each other, they need to locate each other's identifier in the P2P overlay. During the first few seconds, Alice and Bob are part of the P2P overlay, but they have not communicated before, so the first thing that needs to take place is a lookup to map Namespace:virtualIP of each node to their respective IPOP P2P identifier in the overlay. This lookup is performed as a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) query in the P2P overlay, and until the query is complete, packets will be dropped (ICMP packets 1-5 in the example above).

Once the IP-P2P lookup is done, packets can flow between Alice and Bob; however, initially they can take a long overlay path, going through several intermediate nodes, because it is very unlikely that Alice and Bob are P2P "neighbors" to begin with. In the example above, Alice and Bob are in the same data center, but ICMP packet #6 takes about a second of round trip time because it's routed over multiple P2P nodes. This interaction triggers a process whereby Alice and Bob simultaneuously attempt to create a direct connection between each other. Once it is established, the round-trip time drops significantly (packets 7-10).

Step 3: Securing communications between Alice and Bob

One you finish steps 1 and 2, you have two VMs up and running and connected by the IPOP virtual network. Up to this point, however, communication between Alice and Bob is not private. In this step, we will configure IPsec to secure communications between Alice and Bob, providing privacy, integrity, and authentication at the IP layer.

There are many options to configure IPsec - what is important to notice is that IPsec is layered atop IPOP, and because of this layering and separation of concerns, neither the IPsec software (in the Linux kernel) nor IPOP need to be modified. 

3.1) Bring up IPsec in the "Alice" VM

This step also uses configuration files with several pre-set values to minimize configuration steps from your part. We use the "racoon" software to configure IPsec, and the configuration is based on the use of X.509 certificates. In this example, both Alice and Bob are configured with certificates signed by the same certificate authority (CA), and racoon is configured at each node to allow any VM with a valid certificate signed by this trusted CA to communicate. Run the following commands on Alice to setup IPsec/racoon (again, as root):

wget http://www.acis.ufl.edu/~renato/ipopdemo/ipop_ipsec_demo_prepare_debian.zip
unzip ipop_ipsec_demo_prepare_debian.zip

The main configuration that takes place as part of this demo script are as follows:
  • The CA's certificate (cacert.pem), as well as the certificate (host-cert.pem) and private key (host-key.pem) of each node, are placed in the /etc/racoon/certs directory
  • The racoon configuration file is placed in /etc/racoon/racoon.conf - it describes that x.509 certificates will be used to set up IPsec security associations, and configures other security policies
  • The IPsec configuration file is placed in /etc/ipsec-tools.conf - it establishes that all communications within the IPOP virtual network ( by default in this demo) are subject to IPsec security.

3.2) Bring up IPsec in the "Bob" VM

Repeat the same steps, again, as root:

wget http://www.acis.ufl.edu/~renato/ipopdemo/ipop_ipsec_demo_prepare_debian.zip
unzip ipop_ipsec_demo_prepare_debian.zip

3.3) Connecting Alice and Bob

As done in the previous step, log in to Alice and ping Bob. On Alice:


You will notice a similar behavior to the previous step - ping packets may drop in the beginning, then communication flows. Here, the reason packets may drop is due to the negotiation of security keys done by IPsec.

Alice and Bob continue to ping each other in the same manner now - what is different is that all communication now is authenticated and encrypted. For instance, if Alice stops running IPsec, or does not produce a valid signed certificate when they negotiate keys, it will not be able to connect to Bob (and vice-versa).

3.4) Inspecting secure communications

To confirm this, let's change the ping command slightly to add a "payload" to the message, and inspect IP packets using the "tcpdump" tool.

On Bob, run tcpdump to capture and show a count of ten packets sent/received to/from Alice's IP in the tapipop interface:

tcpdump -X -i tapipop -c 10 'ip host'

On Alice, send five ICMP packets to Bob, with the payload "deadbeef" (a pattern that will make it easier to observe at the output of tcpdump):

ping -p deadbeef -c 5

On Bob, you should see tcpdump output that looks like this:

11:41:55.084606 IP ip-192-168-10-10.ec2.internal > ip-192-168-10-20.ec2.internal:
ESP(spi=0x03ae3438,seq=0x1c), length 100
0x0000:  4500 0078 0000 4000 4032 a4e5 c0a8 0a0a  E..x..@.@2......
0x0010:  c0a8 0a14 03ae 3438 0000 001c b7b9 013a  ......48.......:
0x0020:  7f0d ff58 7968 2f35 7997 08d1 7a0f 8f00  ...Xyh/5y...z...
0x0030:  f004 1721 f902 3545 7263 ca5f bd9c 0724  ...!..5Erc._...$
0x0040:  d2cf df0e b097 470a 862e ac50 6c95 c755  ......G....Pl..U
0x0050:  0ebb 0283 0633 4f98 0578 ec8f 6e09 aadf  .....3O..x..n...
0x0060:  e120 4806 d914 7d2c 4ccc 643f 6269 8f92  ..H...},L.d?bi..
0x0070:  f3df 4a70 cfde 80a6                      ..Jp....

The tcpdump output tells you that the packet is ESP, which stands for Encapsulated Security Payload. Note that you don't see the "deadbeef" pattern, as there is privacy in the communicaiton - nodes in the path between Alice and Bob will not be able to see the payload of any IP packet they communicate.

3.5) Inspecting IPsec authentication

Now let's show how IPsec prevents non-authenticated nodes to communicate. Disable IPsec by running the following commands, on Bob, as root:

/etc/init.d/racoon stop
setkey -F
setkey -FP

Then, try to ping Alice from Bob, or vice-versa. You will see that packets do not flow now.

3.6) Inspecting packets without IPsec

Now let's show how, without IPsec, the payload is not kept private. Disable IPsec, on Alice, as root:

/etc/init.d/racoon stop
setkey -F
setkey -FP

On Bob, run tcpdump to capture and show a count of ten packets sent/received to/from Alice's IP in the tapipop interface:
tcpdump -X -i tapipop -c 10 'ip host'

On Alice, send five ICMP packets to Bob, with the payload "deadbeef" (a pattern that will make it easier to observe at the output of tcpdump):
ping -p deadbeef -c 5

On Bob, you should now see tcpdump output that looks like this:

11:46:10.258390 IP ip-192-168-10-10.ec2.internal > ip-192-168-10-20.ec2.internal:
ICMP echo request, id 6107, seq 5, length 64
0x0000:  4500 0054 0000 4000 4001 a53a c0a8 0a0a  E..T..@.@..:....
0x0010:  c0a8 0a14 0800 e859 17db 0005 825e 9b51  .......Y.....^.Q
0x0020:  0000 0000 aeed 0300 0000 0000 dead beef  ................
0x0030:  dead beef dead beef dead beef dead beef  ................
0x0040:  dead beef dead beef dead beef dead beef  ................
0x0050:  dead beef                                ....

And you can discern the "deadbeef" pattern in the packet now that it is no longer encrypted by IPsec.

Troubleshooting and for more information

If you find connectivity problems when running this tutorial, you can try restarting the IPOP process by running:

/etc/init.d/groupvpn.sh stop
/etc/init.d/groupvpn.sh start

And stopping IPsec:
setkey -F
setkey -FP
/etc/init.d/racoon stop

If you run into problems that do not seem to go away, or are interested in using IPOP and would like to learn more about advanced configuration and deployment, please contact the IPOP team by joining the ACIS P2P Users malining list at: acisp2p [at] googlegroups [dot] com, or contact Renato Figueiredo at: renato [at] acis [dot] ufl [dot] edu.