Tentative Program for the "General Earthquake Model" workshop.
October 23-25 1997, in Santa Fe, NM
Thursday October 23 5pm-7pm
Registration, Ice Breaker
Friday, October 24
0800 Welcome, Objectives, Program (B. Minster, J. Rundle, A. White, C. Keller)
0830 Summary of the APEC/ACES project (P. Mora, Brisbane)
0915 Summary of the CAMP/Earth Simulator project (M. Matsu'ura, Tokyo)
1000 Break
1030 New Computational Capabilities for Earthquake Simulations & Modeling
        (A. White, Los Alamos)
1115 Computational Sciences, Parallel Computation, Multipole Algorithms
        (G. Fox, NPAC, Syracuse)
1200 Lunch
1200 --> 1430 Posters
1430 Rationale for GEM Simulations - I (C. Sammis, USC)
1515 Rationale for GEM Simulations - II (S. Day, SDSU/Scripps)
1600 Discussion (Participants should bring slides/vugraphs/computers
                         for informal short presentations)
1700 Break for Dinner
2000 Fireside Discussions in lobby of Hotel Santa Fe
Saturday October 25
0830 Discussion of Roles, Objectives, Plans (B. Minster & J. Rundle)
0900 SCEC Plans (T. Henyey, USC)
0945 General Discussion (B. Minster and J. Rundle)
1200 End of Meeting

Watch for further updates of the agenda.