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java.lang.Object | +----java.awt.Rectangle | +----gjt.DrawnRectangle
DrawnRectangles may have their thickness and line color set, and are capable of reporting their inner bounds (the area inside the lines).
Default thickness is 2.
If not set explicitly, the line color used is three shades darker than the background color of the Component being drawn into.
DrawnRectangles may be clear()ed, which clears both the exterior (the lines) and the interior (the area inside of the lines) of the DrawnRectangle.
DrawnRectangles may also be fill()ed with a specified color by calling fill(Color), or by calling setFillColor(Color) followed by fill().
By default, the fill Color is the background color of the Component drawn into.
protected static int _defaultThickness
protected Component drawInto
public DrawnRectangle(Component drawInto)
public DrawnRectangle(Component drawInto, int thick)
public DrawnRectangle(Component drawInto, int x, int y, int w, int h)
public DrawnRectangle(Component drawInto, int thick, int x, int y, int w, int h)
public Component component()
public int getThickness()
public void setThickness(int thick)
public void setLineColor(Color lineColor)
public void setFillColor(Color fillColor)
public void fill()
public Color getLineColor()
public Color getFillColor()
public Rectangle getInnerBounds()
public void paint()
public void clearInterior()
public void clearExterior()
public void clear()
public void fill(Color color)
public String toString()
public String paramString()
protected Color brighter()
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